Getting emotional after PS

on 3/4/12 6:32 am
Is it common to get emotional after plastic surgery?  I had a BL/BA on 2/23.  I'm very pleased with the outcome so far.  Everything is going well, doc says I'm ahead of the normal for healing.  I do have a lot going on personally and at work, but I am usually very good at controlling my emotions and don't generally get to the point of tears.  I've been very emotional the last couple of days and wondered if it's common.  I had a hysterectomy years ago, so I don't go thru the normal monthly PMS emotions.  I can't tell if it's the surgery, all the personal crap or just not dealing well with things as I get older. 

What has been your experience?
on 3/4/12 7:30 am
Yes, I have read on here that it's perfectly normal. I am only 3 days ahead of you in surgery dates and I don't think I been emotional yet. But I am prepared for it when it's my time. But it was kind of funny. It was my last day in the hospital clinic and I was sitting on the couch waiting for my Dr to come pick me up to take me to the hotel. I was watching some lame tv show called secret millionare. At the end the millionaire donates money to needy causes. I was in tears. I was so paranoid that the Dr would come in when I was in the middle of crying from some stupid show. But anyway I have read that becoming emotional and depression are very common side effects. I hope it helps just knowing its not you, it just the after effects. 
Michelle E.
on 3/4/12 8:47 am
This is VERY Common post surgery especially PS. Mine didnt really go away until I was able to start exercising or moving around more..

Hang in there! 

on 3/4/12 10:05 am
 100% normal.

If you go back thru the older posts on  this board you will see folks freaking out, weeping, and crying and then being calmed down by other members post op.  I wrote several long posts trying to explain what was happening complete with links to medical sites.

Basically, the anasthesia causes a reaction in your body that is hormonal. So does all that cutting. Most patients experience the worst mood swings and crying jags between day 5 and 7. I didn't have mine hit until day 10 post BL/BA.  It can be like nightmare PMS.  Worse, you won't have any idea that your thought process isnt normal and that it is all chemical and hormonal things bombarding your body and brain. 

Sounds like if you are posting here, you have already caught on that something isnt quite right.  This will pass. Keep drinking water and trying to stay calm. Don't make any big choices during this time. In a week or two,  this will be behind you.
     HW-345,SW-300, CW-144lbs.  DS 5/11/10. 
     First round of plastics with Dr. LoMonaco 11/8/11  LBL, BL. 14lbs of skin removed.
     2nd round with Dr. LoMonaco 2/8/12 Brachioplasty, Thigh lift,  Breast Implants.
on 3/4/12 10:19 am
It is totally normal!!  I was very emotional too and crying the first time I went to my doc post op.  It will pass...give yourself all the rest your body needs.
It will get better.

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 3/4/12 10:22 am
Thanks for the reassurance - it's about 10 days post op and it really started a couple of days ago. Looking forward to happier days.
on 3/5/12 7:46 pm
I was very emotional for weeks after my plastics.  It is an overnight life changing event where you see your body change completely.  My emotions were primarly over the pain from ps.  Also the insane swelling, my legs feeling like water bags, the drain, etc. Its a very emotional experience but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  Someone called me "Voluptuous" the other day.. I thought to myself "if you only knew how much Voluptuopous costs... :)"

Good luck..

Revision Band to Sleeve scheduled 10/29

on 3/6/12 9:59 am
On March 6, 2012 at 3:46 AM Pacific Time, trishy wrote:
I was very emotional for weeks after my plastics.  It is an overnight life changing event where you see your body change completely.  My emotions were primarly over the pain from ps.  Also the insane swelling, my legs feeling like water bags, the drain, etc. Its a very emotional experience but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  Someone called me "Voluptuous" the other day.. I thought to myself "if you only knew how much Voluptuopous costs... :)"

Good luck..
LOL  no kidding about the cost! 

I've been better the last couple of days.  Hoping it stays that way. :)
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