Sex appeal...something you have or something you do??

on 2/7/12 9:00 am - Bowie, MD
Hi guys!! I was at a party Saturday night where one of the husband's of a gal that was there spent just a little too much time staring at me, trying to ply me with drinks, and generally just making over me.  A mutual female friend approached me and asked if I was aware he was gawking, etc. I told her I saw it but didn't really know what to do other than keep my distance as politely as I could. I was really concerned his wife would be upset so I tried to keep my distance. The next day that same friend called me and we got into a discussion about sex appeal. She said, "You ooze sex. It's your eyes, your mouth, the way you posture your body." I said I was completely unaware of what she was talking about. She explained that she didn't think it was something I did, but that sex appeal is something that I have. It probably comes as no surprise that I am completely floored to hear this from her. Me? Ooze sex? Seriously? WTF? It's almost laughable to me.

This leads me to my question: Do you think that sex appeal is something you have naturally or is it something you try to do? Or do you think it can be some of both?

I'd hate to think  I am unknowingly putting out some sort of vibe that is perceived as some sort of come on, least of all in the presence of someone's wife!! 

So do tell--what do you think?



Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

Michelle E.
on 2/7/12 11:16 am
Sex appeal--

I think is a combination of confidence, the way you dress, and groom yourself.I work in a very conservative office.. where they measure the length of skirts, dont allow sleeveless shirts or low cut shirts at all.. no sex appeal going on there.. no transparent anything.. no tattoos are allowed.. no distracting jewelry.. you would think I worked with Nuns..

However,during our Christmas party.. I really dressed up. Most people I worked with had no idea how sassy I could look.. when I walked around good friends stopped me and told me how hot I looked.. it was a real boost to my self esteem..

I wore a floor length gown, high heels, and all the right supportive garments..
on 2/7/12 11:26 am
Confidence is sexy! I would expect that after your WLS and PS you are projecting a confidence and joy most people don't have with their bodies.

Personally, I'm not shooting for perfect. The improvements I've made in my health and appearance are incredible. I'm happy with who I am and there is no doubt I project it in my demeanor and carriage (despite the "I've had my stomach muscles tightened" hunch).

Your confidence makes you sexy! Now ... YOU'RE SEXY AND YOU KNOW IT!

(sorry, I couldn't resist the pop culture reference).

on 2/7/12 11:42 am - Bowie, MD
I LOVE the pop culture reference--just not when my 5 year old sings it (which she really has--ugh!).

I think there is definitely something about how someone carries themselves when they have a strong sense of self confidence--shoulders back, head a little higher--not shrinking into the background. I think the joy you speak of is something that is very much in play with me. One thing I've heard so often since my surgeries is that my smile exudes pure joy, and so often now I am truly joyful. Whether or not that translates into sexy is not something I'd put much thought into, but whatever it translates to, I'm not willing to change a thing, so if the worst thing I am perceived as  is being sexy (although I don't think I'll ever believe it!), then I'll take it! LOL!


Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

on 2/7/12 6:11 pm
I agree....confidence is very sexy and draws people to those who have it.

on 2/8/12 1:49 am - Bowie, MD
Funny you say that because my friend that talked to me said those very words--that people are drawn to me. I think it is because I always have food in my hand and they want some!! LOL!

Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

on 2/7/12 2:08 pm - San Jose, CA
I don't know where you get it, but can you give some to me?

Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

on 2/7/12 6:08 pm
Great response.....I would not know what to do with it.

on 2/8/12 1:49 am - Bowie, MD
Well, apparently it can be purchased for the low, low price of overcoming a lifetime of obesity and 23K worth of plastics!! LOL!

Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

on 2/7/12 6:07 pm
I think natural sex appeal is something people have...they just do.  I can think of one woman  in particular who when she walked into a room she just oozed with it.  It was very interesting to me because I always tried to figure out what it was.  She is only one example.  Some women just naturally have it.

On a side note...I feel so sorry for the guy's wife.  It is a sad existence for any  woman to be married to a man who is that type of womanizer.  I'm certain they cannot go anywhere in public without him constantly scanning the environment.  Guys like that always send back messages..."you are not enough."  Maybe one day she'll realize she is worth more and deserves better than that.

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