on 11/4/11 11:10 pm - Solon, OH
I will be 6 years post RNY December 16th and have been given the wonderful opportunity to stick to my program and maintain.  I was lucky enough to have a full tummy tuck in January 2009 and had to have it revised 10 months later due to some elastricity on the tummy.  Well as tight as my muscles are, the skin did start to loosen up again with a year and now, 2 years later since the revision it is a little looser, now bearing in mind it's worse when I sit than when I stand and I don't have the hanging panni anymore thankfully, and it is flat when I stand, but I just hate the little muffin top I feel when I sit or wear jeans or a tight top.  I went to see another PS a couple weeks ago who said he could revise it for me again and that it's not uncommon for this to happen to WLS patients.  Is this true, can it keep happening, are we really suseptible to this and is it worth going through more surgery only to see this happen again after a year or two?  Part of me says I need to accept and move on and the other part says have it done but will it really be long term.

Is there anyone here who has been through this? 


Thank you

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 11/5/11 12:58 am - Bowie, MD
Hi. I am only 7 weeks out from my LBL and I'll admit that I already have softness when I sit. It does bug me a little, but I can't possibly consider revising it. I'm so tight when I stand that I can't even imagine there being more tightness. I told my plastic surgeon I knew he couldn't make chicken salad out of chicken **** and I just am really trying to embrace the improvement. It is a little unsettling to think it might get significantly looser over time. I guess I'll have to cross the bridge when it comes, but for now I have to say I'd rather have the money (and time--this recovery stuff sucks!) to go out and do all the things I've let the hanging skin and embarrassment  prevent me from doing.

I'm sorry you are having difficulty. I hope there is someone who can give a long-term experience.

Best to you!


Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

on 11/5/11 2:03 am - Solon, OH
Hi Denise,

Thanks so much for getting back to me on this and congrats on your surgery.  You will see such an improvement in time, but of course at 7 weeks it's way too early, you just have to recover.  Will you please keep in touch with me over time to let me know how it all goes and if you do see any relaxation in the skin? I would appreciate that.

Good luck with everything and make sure you don't lift anything heavy for a while.


OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 11/5/11 10:11 am - PA
I'd not heard of this before, but it makes sense to me. One of the surgeons I had a consult with basically said that my skin quality is (exact words), "I wouldn't want to say crap, but..." He said he wouldn't want to do a breast augmentation on me for that reason. He said that the quality of my skin combined with gravity would equal some pretty saggy breasts. I know everyone's skin elasticity is different, but I know my skin can't handle implants. I would imagine that the skin on my stomach is pretty much the same. I've been as high as over 300 pounds, lost and gain quite a bit, and gave birth to and breastfed two children. So, as Denise said, "can't make chicken salad out of chicken ****"

Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 6/8/12!! - LBL, BL/BA, Arm Lift & Medial Thigh Lift             
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