Next Phase

on 11/2/11 10:22 am

So I have reached a final stable weight and I am now considering plastic surgery.  Is this crazy?  To put myself through 6 hours of surgery, 3 weeks of recovery, a massive expense, and the risk of serious complications -for what?
To look and feel normal. 
I have worked so hard - I go to the gym 3 times a week, I eat well (80 g of protein a day), drink my water and take my vitamins.  My blood work came back good across the board.  My blood pressure is normal and my sleep apnea is resolved.  I have lost only 10 lbs in 6 months and have maintained a stable 178-188 lbs for 3 months. I had an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon and he was extremely positive.  
I have lost 240lbs and I am 47 so the impact is pretty ....extensive. I can't wear short sleeves or tuck my shirt into my pants.  I sag and jiggle and overhang in lots of places.  I can't even handle a massage to say nothing of intimacy.  I am unhappy with my body and I have come so far to not be happy with the final outcome.
At an normal BMI I should weigh no more than 155 - which I haven't seen since junior high school.  My WLS surgeon says he thinks I am at my final weight unless I have this surgery.  The plastic surgeon said my muscle tone was good - I just need to remove the extra skin- and he can and does do that for his patience 1-2 times a week.
So I have done my research - I like the surgeon I picked (Dr. Capella) and I am moving forward with this next phase.  Wish me well
on 11/2/11 10:42 am
Good for you deserve it!!

My weight loss journey                                                    
Laura in Texas
on 11/2/11 11:15 am
Good for you!! I'm about the same age as you and have also lost over 200 pounds. Plastics was the best part of the journey for me- like icing on the cake. I'm sure you will be thrilled with the results!!


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/2/11 10:06 pm
Great weight loss.. Yes it sounds like you are ready.

I have gone from a high of 405 to my current 210 and althought I really wanted to get out of the 2's before surgery it's just not going to happen in 5 days But after all the skin and swelling is gone I expect to finally say goodbye to the 200's forever.

Like you the weight is just not moving anymore. Yes I could get a fill in my lapband and that moght help but to be honest I just really like where I am and am ready to maintain... I may never be in the healthy BMI even at 5'10 but this is realistic for me.

It's such a personal decision as to when it's time for plastics, keep us updated on your plans..

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

Lee ~
on 11/2/11 11:43 pm - CA
Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss!  How wonderful it would be for your arms and tummy to match all the hard work you've put in.  I have only lost 100 pounds but my arms are in definite need of major assistance.  I'm having my plastics done next month in Mexico by Dr. Sauceda. 

Let us know how your journey progresses please.  :)

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 11/3/11 10:30 am - Lyman, ME
VSG on 10/18/07 with
Good for you, you deserve it! Complete your journey.
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