Almost pulled an Elvis and died on the toilet

on 10/29/11 2:25 am
Well let me first say that my surgery itself was a success and I came home feeling much better than I thought I would. My pain on a scale of 1-10 was about a 3, so very manageable. I am hunched over like Igor and sleeping/eating/resting/everyhing else in a recliner in the living room. My doctor only put in 1 drain! I was truly shocked. I was cracked out when I left the surgery center so I didn't bother asking why, but Im' sure he has his reasons. It was getting full every hour or so but has tapered off significantly already. The doc cut off a little over 2 pounds from my stomach. Not that must, jus enough to add back in the scale to compensate for my boobs!

We hired a private nurse to come stay with me starting at 9pm, until 6am this morning. And she probably ended up saving my life. I am completely serious.

At around 9:45pm, she helped me get up to walk down the hall to go to the restroom. I was bent over of course, and the hallway is probably 20 feet long leading to the bathroom. Was feeling perfectly fine until I sat up. Stayed sitting up there for a few minutes to let my blood pressure adjust. Then stood up slowly and started shuffling painfully down the hall. After 5 feet I got a rushing sensation in my head. At 10 feet my whole body felt like it was suddenly engulfed in flames, an intense hot flash. At 15 feet I said "I'm going to throw up. I'm sick. Oh my god I'm going to throw up." I didn't hear the nurse's response because it sounded like there was a roaring ocean in my ears, with an odd ringing noise. I managed to make it to the threshold of the bathroom, over to the toilet, and my last memory is of trying to grab at the waistand of my pajama pants.

I woke up 9 minutes later. I was sitting in a chair, being lifted by 3 firemen, with a 4th fireman slapping both cheeks and yelling my name. It was like I was in a dream where I was half-aware of my surroundings but unable to respond, I couldn't even open my eyes. I could hear my mom crying hysterically in the background, asking if I was dead. I was carried back out to my recliner and put into it, where they continued to try to get my eyes open. It honestly felt like I was caught in the riptide of a storm, I could feel myself being moved about and manipulated but couldn't hear much over the roaring in my ears.

I was finally able to get my eyes open and see a whole roomful of medics and firefighters milling about. They'd stuck electrodes to my chest, had my arm in a blood pressure cuff, and put an oxygen mask over my face. I was shaking uncontrollably. What a way to wake up!

Of course as soon as I was able to get my mouth to move I chose to start crying, which hurt like a mofo. My roommate was holding my hand. The nurse was asking me questions, the medics were tugging all over my body taking vitals.

They say it looks like I had something called a vasovagal attack. Which is when the vagus nerve malfunctions in response to a stimulus (I looked it up, it can range from methamphetamines to dehydration to everything else under the sun). The end product is always loss of consciousness. Most people wake up shortly after they hit the ground and blood flow is restored to the head. I didn't.

I'm told that I got to the toilet and passed out cold. The nurse caught me and lowered me to the floor on my knees. I had stopped breathing and she couldn't find a pulse in my wrist so she initiated CPR while my mom called 911. They got there very very quickly, as we live about 3 mins away from the fire station (lucky!). She said that after she did CPR for about 30 seconds I started breathing again on my own. My blood pressure was 68/? The diastolic pressure was too low for them to read. My face was sheet white and I was sweating bullets. 

Once they got me laying down and gave me a shot of something (I have no idea what) I started feeling better and was able to converse with the medics. My blood pressure went up to 90/60, which is still low but better than before. They got my PS on the phone and talked with him for a while.

There was talk of bringing me to the hospital but it was ultimately decided against for the time being. I know, it sounds crazy, person stops breathing and has a questionable pulse but is ok to stay home? My PS thinks it was too much pain medication, coupled with an already low blood pressure and low blood sugar. I'd be very vulnerable to catching a hospital infection or virus, and my insurancew wouldn't pay for my stay because it's plastic surgery-related.So it would put me in the poor house for sure.

As of now, I am on strict bedrest. Every time I even sit up, my blood pressure plummets and my face turns completely white. So forget standing up. Last night there was a mad scramble to figure out how the heck I was gonna pee. My mom walked out carryng a britta filter pitcher, and I said "heck no!! I'm not peeing into a filter!". Then she walked otut with a rectangular cake pan and a water bottle. Nixed those too. I finally ended up (no joke) peeing into one of roud hospital barf bags. It's the right size to press over my ladybits so I don't spill any. I've also ben told to cut down on the pain pills, which isn't too big a deal beause I wasn't feeling too much pain anyway.

Oh! I'm going to try some self-hypnosis/mediation to deal with the pain I do have. I bought an eBook off itunes and am gonna be listedning to it. Wiill let you guys know how it works. My therapist spoke really highly of it, and if I can get off the pain meds sooner, then all the better.

I'm wearing a heavy binder with gauze underneath so have no idea what my new tummy looks like I do know it's swollen and sore. Once I'm alble to get out of bed I can peek at  it and maybe snap a  picture.

Boy what a night. But I'm alive! and hopefully have a flat tummy. It'll all be worth it if that's the end result. Thanks for all your kind thoughts. Everyone is truly wonderful. I will be sure to update with my progress.

"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
on 10/29/11 3:09 am - Ardmore, OK
Wow!  What an experience!  I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that!

I'll say a special prayer for you today.  You definitely deserve one!

So I assume that your mom or the nurse will be staying with you? When do you go back for a check up?

on 10/29/11 5:20 am - Twinsburg, OH
Not to downplay what happened, but were any of the fireman cute?  Might be worth checking out when you are feeling better, you know, a  little thank you with a plate of brownies or something?

Glad you didn't end up like Elvis!


Amy Farrah Fowler
on 10/29/11 5:21 am
 When I read the title, I was already thinking vasovagal attack. I had something similar years ago, and after reading online was certain that was it, but it felt like I was dying. I checked with my doctor afterward, but symptoms are long gone, so they can run tests, and only say that is what is suspected based on your recounting of the details. 

I have known several people now that have had this, and that is a commonality  - usually you feel like you are dying. It's really frightening. 

It often seems to happens on the toilet, and the vagus nerve, pretty much runs from the mouth through the stomach, to the anus, but I don't understand the what or why with the attacks. 

It sounds like you have low blood pressure exacerbating things (so do I) and I'm sure they already told you, but when you are allowed to get up, you need to take a looong time to get upright and let the body adjust, and have someone nearby to help you lay back if you are feeling off. Especially with the surgery meds, and likely a little blood loss.

In the meantime, so you can pee without any extra hassle, they make a little plastic thing for hiking to allow women to pee while standing, that goes over girly bits that just directs the pee away in a stream, and keep you clean and dry, that might make it easier for you to pee in a bottle or some type of container. Some of us use them after surgery even with the toilet when it's too difficult to just sit on the toilet. I have seen them in places that sell camping stuff. Is it possible for anyone to go to an REI or something similar to find this for you?

The good news, if you can call it that, is that unless you get hurt from the fall (and head bonks are likely with this), there usually isn't harm to you, and it doesn't usually recur. 

I'm sorry you went through this, and it sounds like you had a terrible night. I'm glad you are on the mend, and hope that this will be a drug faded memory for you, and you won't be able to think of anything but how awesome your new flat tummy is.

on 10/29/11 5:53 am - Central, FL
 Wow! Scary stuff. Glad you are feeling better. You can also pee in a product called a Freshette. It's a funnel. Rest up, Lizzy!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 10/29/11 7:52 am - Bowie, MD
Holy crap lady!! When you do it, you do it right!! Did you have any blood levels checked--I was told really low hematocrit can cause the low blood pressure, which I had after my surgery. Glad folks have chimed in with ways to pee, but I'm voting for Depends. Seriously. Then you barely need to move. Little lift to change it out and that's that! Okay, enough about your bodily functions.

Be careful!!! I hope your pain continues to be mild. Hang in there!! 

Take good care!


Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun. 

RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

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*6.5 lost preop

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/11 8:27 am
Oh my goodness.  Please take it easy. That nurse really was worth the money, huh. 
Stella S.
on 10/29/11 9:17 am
Holy cow...what a night!   You and your mom will look back and have some good laughs at some point.   The nurse was a wonderful investment!! 

Sending you lots of relaxing vibes and hope bed rest does the trick. 
on 10/29/11 9:35 am - AZ
Wow! Glad you're ok and that your biggest lingering problem is how to pee.

1/2003 Lap Band Dr. Hilario Juarez
9/2005 Lap Band Removed Dr. Stephen Burpee
11/2011 RNY Dr. Stephen Burpee
on 10/29/11 9:56 am
wow...well the money you spent on the nurse was the best money you spent!!  you certainly got what you paid for and more!  So sorry you had to ge through must have been really scarey..especially for your Mom.  The things we go through for our flat tummy!  I hope the rest of your recovery is alot smother!

good luck and keep us posted.

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