butt augmentation - who's had it ???

on 9/10/11 3:05 am
Hi -

I'm almost 3 weeks out from TT/LBL and very happy with the result.  My doc also took some of the back fat and tucked it in so it looks like some curvature in the butt area.  Phase II for me will be BL/BA and would love to have some additional butt aug - like specifically in the cheeks (if you know what I mean).  So for those who have had butt aug - I'd love to hear your experience - what do they use, recovery? anything you'd like to share.  Thanks!


                                            (-32 before RNY)                                 GOAL !

Jessica K.
on 9/10/11 2:50 pm - LA
Hey darlin! Congrats on the TT/LBL. I'm scheduled to have a circumferal TT (he is telling me thts basically what the LBL is) lipo from top of knee to under my breasts. Breast aug. theigh lift and quite possibly a butt job.

We've talked about it and he swears i wont need it but I told him if its not a bubble butt then he better do it. so we will see. But what he is going to do (if he has to) is take the fat he got from the lipo and inject it under the muscles.

I have a ? for you though, you said you were three weeks out from the TT/LBL...which TT did you have? Tell me straight foreward the pain you experience and any advice you may have for me as all surgeries are in 6 days!!
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!

My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts! 
on 9/11/11 1:01 am
Hi !  I had the circumferential incision - also known as a belt lipectomy b/c it goes all the way around like a belt.  The pain... I'm not gonna lie, even though it's a distant memory right now it did hurt a lot - someone on here described the feeling like you just did 2000 crunches (AS IF... lol)  I had NO shame about taking meds every 4 hours for at least the first 5 days.  After 5 days I felt better but some people feel better in 3 so it seems to vary and there's no rhyme or reason.  Best advice I can give you is to practice getting up from lying on your sofa or bed without using your abs e.g. turn on your side, feet on the floor and then prob yourself up using the arm of the sofa.  Also have as many pillows around as you can get your hands on - they will be very useful in gettin up and shifting positions.  I got a lot of good advise on here - search "tummy tuck" and you will find some good threads - or start one yourself!  Let me know if you have any other questions - talking about plastics is my favorite subject and non-plastics people are getting sick of me

                                            (-32 before RNY)                                 GOAL !

Jessica K.
on 9/11/11 3:57 am - LA
LOL I cant possibly phathom anyone getting sick of you for giving asked advice!! :)

Well, a friend of mine (she had a reg, TT) and my Surgeon advised me to use a recliner and that if I didnt have one, to buy one. I'm buying a house in a few months so I was like craaaaap I dont know what color and fabric or leather whatever to get! So I bought a used one. I cant sleep on my back on the sofa or bed anyways (broke back and neck in several places over 4 years ago) I'm getting a walker tonight (since I'm having so much work done) I know to already stock up on on protein.. cheese, greek yogurt, etc etc. I will have a caretaker 24/7 that I found who isnt super expensive as I am a single disabled mother to a 5 yr old.

I also know to have (which I always keep anyways) stool softner and laxatives.  I'm going to get gas X strips. I have tons of books beside my recliner that I purchased last week. I've also purchased some MuMu's LOL so I can be comfy. I plan to get a pedi on thursday since the surgeries are Friday at 9am.

Can you think of anything else I shold get ahead of time? I'm trying to get the script filled the day before as well. OHHH and I already have anti nasuea meds lol
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!

My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts! 
(deactivated member)
on 9/11/11 5:26 am - Yorktown, VA
I had an auto-augmentation of the butt when I had my LBL done.  Part of tissue that would have normally been removed was left attached, but the skin portion was removed.  It was then "fluffed" up a bit (for lack of a better word) into a muffin top type shape.  Then the skin was lifted up over it.  (Basically a flap augmentation if you want to google it.)  Since the tissue is still attached, it still receives a regular blood supply and it is rare for it to "die off."  My understanding, though, is that this has to be done at the same time as the LBL.

The fat grafting (where they take fat from one place and then inject it into your butt) seems to be more of a temporary fix.  My understanding is that about 1/3 or more of the fat transfered will die/be reabsorbed.

You can also get an implant (like breasts) in your butt.

I have to say that I was not prepared for how long it would take my ass to feel better/normal again.  I am over 3 months post op and just this week am able to lie on my back.  It still feels weird, but it's getting better.
on 9/11/11 8:24 am

Do you think or know if the fat grafting to your breasts would have the same outcome as your butt and "disappear"?
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 12:12 pm - Yorktown, VA
Yes, that is what I was told by a couple of the PS I consulted with.  Not totally disappear, but about 1/3 or so will reabsorb which may leave some sag.

I also had 1 PS who insists that he would never do any kind of fat grafting/injections based on the lack of studies regarding good long term results and safety.  Of course they all differ with their opinions.

If you're considering this, I'd want to see long term after pics (not just 6 months out) and I'd want to talk to some who have had it done a couple of years ago.
on 9/12/11 1:26 am
I don't know but will ask my surgeon @ follow-up appt.

                                            (-32 before RNY)                                 GOAL !

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