Necrotic wound pics

on 6/18/11 5:14 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I'm having trouble attaching pics to my post so: you have to click on the user name under my avitar picture to see them.

Last Monday my PS debrided an area of dead skin at intersection of vertical and horizontal TT incisions leaving a 1 inch by 1 inch by 1/2 in deep hole.  I've been doing irrigation 2X a day with "wet to dry" dressings.

I'm sure the PS will do more work on it Monday.  Do you think he will take small black dead area around belly button??

Let me know what you think.

I'm getting 100 oz fluid, 130 gm protein daily, all Vits and supplements, walking, getting 10 hrs sleep per nighy.

Thanks for your help.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 6/18/11 10:20 am - Rochester, MI
Hi Penny our wounds are very similar. I saw the Dr yesterday and am taking 2 showers a day like you. It does look better to me in the past 2 days. We will heal it will just take alittle more time. We are also very similar in the fact I also lost 130 lbs and am pretty short. Did he advise you to put neosporin on it? That is what im doing, mine isnt deep enough that im packing it with gauze. Im am cleaning it then lightly laying gauze over it. I just wish the silly thing would heal! Take care.
on 6/19/11 3:42 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
He had me use Neosporin on TT and arm lift incision lines for awhile, but after he took off dead skin and left the "hole" last week he told me to stop the Neosporin.

I did talk to him Friday and he said he would probably work some more on the opening Monday (tomorow.)

Are you still having to wear the abdominal binder 25/7??  I find I can't get into my pants/jeans.

I do have swelling in my belly.  He aspirated 40cc from my belly last Monday and I'm sure he will do it again.

Let me know how things go for you.  I will get  home late Monday night, so probably won't post till Tuesday.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

(deactivated member)
on 6/19/11 12:11 am

Hi Penney...

Sending you a great big (((((((((HUG)))))))))

AND...A healing prayer...!!



on 6/19/11 12:21 am - IL
I had a lbl and while it didn't get necrotic it did open up across my back at one time could almost get my sisters fist inside of it.  Been packing it twice daily for almost 2 months.  Patience is the only thing I think you can have with it.  Good Luck!
5' 5 1/2"
HW 319/DOS 288.8/NOW 213.6/ 105.4 lostSurgery 1/21/09
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/11 12:36 am - TX
Hi Penny,

I apologize I left you hanging and never sent you the link to my personal website. I have been out of town. I just sent you a PM with the link. My wound separation was not as extensive as yours, but I do understand the frustration. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I put my email in the PM. Hang in there, I promise it gets better. My surgeon and his assistant, whom I love dearly and trust fully, kept telling me that and I was skeptical. Patience is not a virtue of mine, so it was hard to play the waiting game. They were right though, it does eventually heal. Eventually.


Robert Oliver
on 6/23/11 3:35 am - Birmingham, AL
That's actually not too bad a wound in that area and should actually heal well. The things that will expedite healing are removing dead/necrotic tissue (which your surgeon is doing) and keeping the wound clean and a little moist.

I might suggest considering switching to something like Aqua-Cel which is a type of "colloidal" dressing that wicks moisture and doesn't have to be changed as frequently as wet-to-dry saline dressings.  It's what's used (or similar poducts) by most advance wound care nurse. Saline is simple, but there is a tendency for the tissue to get overly dessicated (dry) which will further impair healing at the edge. You can find Aquacel on the internet for cheap (like here)
on the web at Plastic Surgery Specialists

blogging on all things plastic surgery  at Plastic Surgery 101
on 7/4/11 5:19 am - Wyoming, MN
I can totally relate to your complication.  I had a tummy tuck April 21st.  I had the exact complication.  I had open RNY procedure in 2005.  So when I had my tummy tuck my PS had to redo the scar so he could stretch the skin.  The day after my tummy tuck we noticed that my skin was black.  My PS started to debrided the area.  My hole started out small but every week my PS had to debride the area a little more.  My hole ended up being about 2 inch my 1 inc by 1 inch deep.  I thought it would never get better.  A few weeks ago I went into my PS (I have been going every week since April 21st) and was just about in tears.  I just wanted this to be done and he said it just takes time to heal.  I had a family vacation planned the following week to Wiconsin Dells (water parks)  My PS was able to give me something to put over my hole so I could go swimming and down the water sildes.  That worked wonders... I was able to play with my kids and go down waterslides.  I am finally starting to heal.   My hole is now about 1 inch my 1/2 inch by 1/2 deap.   My PS says that he thinks that the hole will be completely healed in 2 weeks.  This has been a very long ordeal but I am glad I had it done. Hang in there.    It will get better!!!  :)  (It just takes time)

on 7/4/11 7:20 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
Thanks so much for replying.  My "hole has opened a little more vertically at the top (maybe 3/8 inch longer)]"  I don't see much difference in size, but do notice "granulation" (bumpiness) on the bottom of the hole - so I know it is healing.  I can usually get it to bleed a little when I clean it out with sterile guaze twice a day and that is good also.

The circle incision around my belly button is still red, one "scab" area and I can see some sutures coming t the surface.  I am almost 6 weeks out - so I would think it would not open up.

Did you have to wear compression garments during the healing process?  I'm so tired of being "all pulled in and barely able to take a deep breath".

What about weight limitations?  I am to do no exercise and not lift over 8 pounds.  I still get tired really easy.

How were you told to take care of your open wound?  I want to do everything possible to get this healed as quickly as possible.

Thanks so much.  Penny
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 7/4/11 9:40 am - Wyoming, MN
Hey Penny,

My PS has me using Silver Sulfadiazine in my open wound and to pack it with a gauze.  I change it twice a day.  This has worked wonders for me.  Atleast my PS has been giving me all the gauze and other supplies that I needed.  Every week I walk out of his office wilth a arm full of supplies. 

My wound has finally started to close.  But the tissue around the hole is very hard.  I have my husband massage it but I don't think it helps.  I haven't had to wear  the binder since about 5 weeks.  

I have been cleared to resume all exercising except for crunches and sit-ups.   I have started to do step aerobics and the treadmill.  The first few days of step aeobics were so hard but it feels good to excercise. 

My wounds looks so much like yours.  I thought I was the only one that this happened to... My PS said that he has seen this before so he knew what to do about it.  He is such a optomist.  Every week I go in and he says ahhh it s looking better.  I finally can see it looking better. 

So, we are going to let the wound close by itself and then in late fall my PS will do a revision to clean up the scar from my hole.   Luckily my PS will be able to do it in the office so it is not going to cost me anymore.  I also will be having my PS do a revision on my hips.  For some reason I have big bulges on each side (like saddle bags)....

Atleast I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  :)  Just when it seems like this issue won't go away then you turn the corner.  Thats what happened to me.

Good luck, Penny!


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