Super Sunday Smiles, What is UP?

Monica B.
on 12/10/11 8:52 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all, sober 406 days and so proud of me.
Cloudy and breezy here. Third night of cymbalta and going OK. I am on a starter dose of 30 mg for 2 weeks and then 60 mg. Hoping it does the trick. Was a little foggy yesterday, but not bad at all.
Moving slowly for both of us. Getting the RV and outside site all set up.
We will watch football and put up tree. Hope to wrap presents for all also.
Enjoy the Sunday and be well. So grateful for good news on many of you all.
Grateful you are in my life.

on 12/10/11 9:38 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Monica, our inspiration!

Started the Tamoxifen yesterday per instructions of pharmacist. Seems there is a problem with a drug interaction that they faxed to my Doc on Friday afternoon. He said to start taking it, then last night I got an e-mail from her telling me to hold off on it until she has a chance to review the pharmacist's recommendations and decide what to do with the dosage. The effectiveness is diminished when you take the Tamoxifen with antidepressants, so adjustments must be made.
23% of women on this drug experience weight loss (oh, darn!), and I can see why. I had no appetite at all yesterday, so maybe this will be a good thing????

Hope everyone has a Jim Dandy day today. BTW, anyone know who Jim Dandy was????



Monica B.
on 12/10/11 10:19 pm - Emery, SD
Back in the late 1980's I was part of the double blind study of more than 87,000 women who had a family history of breast cancer. I fit the guidelines of the study, begining my period early, age 10, and my mother got cancer at age 65. For 5 years I took a drug, 2 pills each day. When the study ended I was informed I had been taking tamoxifen. I did not have weight loss, but my thyroid was not well controlled. I had few side effects. Good luck and hugs, Monica

on 12/10/11 11:23 pm - Alexander, AR
Monica, thinks for helping pioneer this wonderful drug. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates you!



on 12/10/11 9:44 pm - Cibolo, TX
Good morning, Monica!  And all my OFF sistas!

Up early today and packing to send Butch back to Saudi.  Sigh.  I don't like it when he's only home for 2 weeks.  Now he'll be gone for 5 weeks.  Methinks I'm getting too old to tolerate this lifestyle much longer.

Love the new car!  Spent a couple of hours sitting in it in the driveway yesterday, trying to learn all the on-board fancies.  Finally got the voice command phone thingie to work.  It couldn't recognize what I was saying.  I guess I have more of an accent than I thought!  Also figured out the GPS--sort of.  I've got the main addresses entered in it at least.  And I love the satellite radio!  Woot!  That will make all my trips across Texas much more enjoyable.

I haven't decided if I'm going to Waco today or tomorrow.  I guess it will depend on how Christie reacts this morning when we tell her I'm going to visit her sister for awhile.  I'm packing up my stuff this morning in any case.

Oh, Benny's up!  Gotta go! 

Love you all!


Eileen Briesch
on 12/11/11 1:27 am - Evansville, IN
Oh, the satellite radio is great. I love mine. There's a couple of Christmas stations. It's great.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 12/10/11 10:08 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Monica and OFF Family,
I am so tired, but feeling a whole lot better.  I volunteered at our community's Code Blue last night.  Code Blue is an interfaith ministry to get the homeless off the street on the bitter cold nights.  Different churches volunteer their buildings for emergency shelter.  We provide cots, bedding, and a light meal.  I helped in the kitchen last night.  I got home around 11:00 last night, and I was so wound up, it took me several hours to wind down.  I signed up for a several more nights, including Christmas night.  My kids will be at their Dad's that night.  I am hosting Christmas dinner for my family the day after Christmas.  They don't call Code Blue every night, just the nights when it is supposed to be a certain temperature.

Anyway, I am heading to church this morning.  Then, home to watch my Eagles, even though the season is pretty much over for them.  I heard there is the slimmest possibility of redeeming themselves, if certain teams lose so many games.  

Then, after the game, I am taking my sister out to dinner for her birthday.  There is a family run Italian restaurant here in Bristol, PA that I want to take her to.  It will not be as crowded as the chains up by the mall, which will be mobbed because of Christmas shoppers.

Have a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 12/10/11 11:13 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Monica and OFF family!!!

Boy it sure is a cold one here today!! 18* but sun is out. :-)

Doing laundry his morning and finding only one machine that will take my money! GRRRR Need to have the money taken out and have to wait til my boss shows up tuesday for that. Not sure if we have keys to empty or not. Have to find out I guess.

Going to unpack more boxes today and hopefully get them done but I am sure just when I think its the end Rick brings me more to unpack! Sighs....

Found a site on FB that has so many beautiful horses on it I could sit here all day and look at them!! If you want to see them find the photos I posted and click on the photo and it should take you there.

Well time to get busy again here comes Have a great day and know that I am thinking of you all!!!


on 12/11/11 12:39 am

We are up and ready to take my granddaughter home.  The boys went to the state football championship with the other grandparents, so sissy came up here.  We took her to the square and walked through the Ozark lights exhibition.  She rode the pony, the camel, and we took a ride in the buggy.  Then, she and granddad ate part of a funel cake, drank hot chocolate, and they ate some cotton candy.  After about three hours, we headed home.  Oh, we met Santa and had pictures taken with him and his raindeer and shockingly, Santa looked a lot like one of the deans from the university.  He kept asking sissy if her grandmother had been a good girl and sissy said, she's not my grandmother, she's my nana.  

Today, we are heading down the hill to take her home and we have to rush back and get ready for Christmas party nuber 3.  I will be so glad when this ends.  

Tonight, I am hoping to get the rest of my grading done so all I will need to do is the final and tally them up and post them.  I am not teaching spring semester…I have two huge writing assessments to do for the college:  900 freshmen in just the business college and 740 sophmores…both are getting assessed.  I am dreading it.  At least they are letting me hire readers and I get to use the program that does the math for me.  Yeah!  

 Gotta get my clothes on and head out.  Hope you all have a good day. 

Connie D.
on 12/11/11 12:47 am, edited 12/11/11 12:47 am
Good morning Monica and everyone....

Monica....I am grateful to have you in my life!! Sounds like the new med might just work out for you. That is so wonderful.

I am feeling a little better today. Still very weak and shaky. I did manage about 2/3 of a  bottle of water so far this morning. Going to try and get a Boost in later after a bit more water. Hopefully  I am heading in the right direction. If I get sick again I promise to walk across the street to ER.

I would love to post separately to each of you but I am just too weak. It is back to bed for me.

Know that you are each in  my thoughts and prayers.
Hope you all have a good day!!!

Much love and many hugs......connie d
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