Nov. 14 Orientation (Windsor) - Anyone?

on 10/11/16 7:20 am - Canada

Anyone else attending Orientation on November 14th, from 5-7 in Windsor?

I will be travelling from London. Excited and nervous.

What should I expect from Orientation?



on 10/11/16 8:28 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

They just go over the procedure and the diet regime, life style changes etc., and give you a bunch of information.

You have to be smoke free for at least 6 months or you cannot enter the program.  If after hearing all the information, and you are smoke free they will ask you if you want to proceed with the process.  If yes, you should leave there with 1 - 3 future appointments.

Its very informal, you have the chance to ask any questions you might have.

on 10/11/16 9:51 am - Canada

Thank you so much!

on 10/11/16 9:52 am - Canada

Can I request to be transferred to a clinic close to me? OR is it take what you can get? 

on 10/11/16 10:27 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Unfortunately you are assigned to the clinic based on your postal code.  You will have SW/Dr/Nut appts, pre-surgical class in Windsor.  I was able to meet the surgeon and do the pre-admission appointments via telehealth at my local hospital.

They will try to get some of the appointments on the same day if they can so you don't have to make the drive so often.

You do get to choose what hospital you want to have  your surgery at, unless there are reasons they would want you to go to a certain one. 

I wanted to go to Guelph for surgery because its closer but was told based on my numbers Guelph would turn me down, so I went to TWH.

on 10/11/16 11:50 am - Canada

Thank you for clearing that up for me!!

I am just glad to have the process started - even if it means a little driving 

on 10/11/16 10:29 pm

Hi Ginny,

If I recall right your from the london area. Did you do your telehealth at a London Hospital by chance? My understanding is that if you want to use telehealth, instead of going to the surgical site, you'd have to go back to Windsor to do it there. Makes sense if your from the Windsor area.

For me doesn't really make sense since Toronto and Windsor is about the same driving distance. Guleph would be a bit closer (and the one I'm leaning towards picking when I get to that stage). If I'm driving the same I'd just go see the surgeon, but if there's an opportunity to stay home for an appointment, that would be very nice.


Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.






















on 10/12/16 4:00 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Hi, I actually had both my telehealth appointments in St. Thomas, because I work there.  When they first called me with the appointment they had scheduled it for Ingersoll but I asked them to switch it to St. Thomas and they accommodated that.

Don't worry about not meeting your surgeon.  The one I met through telehealth is not the one that did my surgery.  Once your file is sent to the surgical site, it is their Telehealth coordinators that book you so I'm sure they try to get you a site close to home.

As I said Guelph would have been my pick but because I was low BMI they said Guelph would turn me down.  I had a great experience with TWH at it was no problem getting there at all.

Good luck to you!


on 10/12/16 8:29 pm

Thanks for the insight. TWH is not an option anymore, there's two toronto hospitals now can't remember them right now, but I'm leaning towards Guelph like I said.

You said you had both appointments through telehealth? Besides meeting the Surgeon the first time are you talking about having an appointment after surgery, or is there more than one appointment prior to surgery?  Also, where did you get your Opti from then?  Seems like most patients get it at their doctor visit. Perhaps you can order it and it get's delievered to you? One more question, I know lots lol, were there any pre testing you had to do for the surgeon like bloodwork and stuff before surgery that you could get done closer to home?


Thanks a bunch.

on 10/13/16 5:46 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16


I had the meet the surgeon via telehealth, and then my pre-op appointment via telehealth.  The second "meeting" involves the pharmacist, the

Anaesthesiologist, and the admitting people.  They confirm your insurance coverage, go over your medications, and your past surgeries (if any).

They emailed me a questionnaire to fill out along with a requisition for blood work and a MERSA test (which your doctor has to do).  The hospital called about a week later to get my credit card number to order my OPTI.  It gets delivered to your house.

If you have more questions don't be afraid to ask! Knowledge leads to success.

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