
on 12/17/15 7:13 am - Canada

When I had my trios last week the nurse told me that I have h-pylori have to be treated before I can have surgery.. Just wondering if anyone else was positive..  The amount of pills I have to take per day is crazy.. Also wondering for the ones that were treated with hp pac how did it make u feel.. The nurse warm me that it's hard a treatment but boy this has me feeling so drained feels like its sucking the life out of me.. 

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 12/17/15 12:57 pm - Toronto, Canada

There are a few of us H-P people. I had it four years before my revision surgery. Yes the treatment drains you. From now on never take the results from a blood test for H-Pylori (it will for the rest of your life come up positive). You need to test only by breath test from now on. Make sure you let the surgeon know when you meet with him. Good luck

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

White Dove
on 12/17/15 4:22 pm - Warren, OH

I had it and had no problems with taking the pills for two weeks.  It is just an antibiotic and a antacid if I remember correctly

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/18/15 3:59 am - Canada

It antacid and two antibiotics biaxin 500 mg, then two amoxicillin 500 mg each 4 pills in the morning 4 at night

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 12/18/15 4:59 pm - Canada

Yes the hpyloric issues has been a big problem in my life. 

As you know or my not know more than half the world have hpyloric and are not aware that's how common it is. This bacteria can live in your gut all your life and have no issues. 

But also if having surgery can cause stomach ulcer and even stomach cancer. Surgeons don't want to do the surgery if hpyloric is involved due to the complications it can create.  

I was tested and ready to move forward only to follow nod out to had hpyloric and in most cases 94%of the time one 2 week course can clear this. I was not that lucky. I did 3 courses of antibiotics each a two week course and I kept comin up positive. 

I could not believe all the courses I had done and every time I did the C14 breathe test I was still positive. 

Finally I was directed to a gastroenterologist and had a final course done and a scope done. And in the final course after the scope biopsy were done and test came back neg. I thought I was going to be asked to leave the program as no surgeon would do the surgery being hpyloric.

Now ive met the surgeon and I'm booked to have my surgery in January. Just an FYI. It took me almost 5 months to clear this bug from my gut and so glad that I can finally move forward with my surgery.  So yes im a very extreme case and have asked a lot of DR. Why I kept comin back poss. 

Dont know that it matters I just glad to move on. It almost a year from my orientation and I should have had my surgery 3-4 months ago. 

So hold your head high and get this resolved. The antibiotics I took were just terrible to take and they upset my stomach for each of the 2 week course I took.  Get it resolved and move on. I'm an extreme case but just know there is worse out there 


good luck in your journey. 




on 12/18/15 7:12 pm

I did 2 rounds of treatment (lucky me!) and still positive.  The surgeons at TWH didn't seem overly concerned.  I have no symptoms and would have never known that I had H-P if it wasn't for the pre-surgery blood work.  I was told my that sometimes there are extreme cases that no matter how many rounds of treatment still come back positive.

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