Medical alert bracelets?

on 8/16/15 8:06 am - Toronto, Canada

Ho many people have opted for these? Why and why not?

Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG

on 8/16/15 10:21 am - Toronto, Canada

I'm super new (surgery on Tuesday) but will not be purchasing a bracelet. Here's a post from a FB group. Please note I am not the author.


"There are two schools of thought one more antiquated than

the other...the newest standard suggest your procedure and the date you had

it...putting "No BLIND NG" and the operative word is blind and

"No NSAIDS" could cost you your life.



In late 2012 I had revision from sleeve to modified RNY because of obstruction.

..a week later, fresh out of the ICU and still in hospital I obstructed again.

The Bariatric Surgery Fellow came in to place a blind NG TUBE. I was

flabbergasted that HE didn't know the surgeon was called and he

rushed to the bedside to inform me that my stomach was dangerously distended

and while placing a blind NG tube ran the risk of potentially rupturing my

stomach, delaying and moving me to the endoscopy suite could potentially have

the same result. . .the odds were better if I accepted the BLIND NG

was placed and 9 litres were sucked out of my newly crafted stomach. . .the

further you are from surgery the smaller the risk of rupturing the stomach. .

.this is not a risk for sleeves.



Now NSAIDS, did you know that the risk of death related to your first heart

attack can be significantly decreased (from over 90% to less than 45%) simply

by administrating 365mg of aspirin (the original NSAID)? The sooner it's

administered the greater your chance of survival. . .guess what...a medical

alert saying no NSAIDS means you won't get this life saving treatment.



Finally another personal experience with the NO NSAIDS rule...I was rushed to a

local ER in septic shock with a temperature of 42 Celsius (108 f) my brain was

about to fry...I wasn't responding to Tylenol the doctor added ibuprofen. .

.again I managed to spew the No NSAIDS guidelines. ..the physician’s

response.   'look I understand the use of NSAIDS of that you’re at an

increased risk of ulcers but right now your brain is baking...we can fix ulcers

but if you seize the damage that can result is irreparable'.  I consented

to ibuprofen my fever broke within minutes.



So please take very careful consideration of what you're having engraved on

these things or tattooed to your body...your life may depend on it"

on 8/16/15 10:50 am - Toronto, Canada

Interesting. I really would have liked better guidance on this issue from the Bariatric Surgery Program at TWH. They included it in their package -- but not what to have engraved, what points to consider when buying i.e. waterproof. Bracelets won't fly off like a necklace can. I think I will put this forward to the team.

I went through an emotional thing about being "marked". People would immediately know there's something "defective" about me. Wrong or right, I feel that. It's a sick attitude that was instilled in my upbringing. I would prefer to let others know on my own terms and not advertise. It is personal. Regardless, I decided to put my feelings aside and do what I think may prove critical to my well being should I need help.

It is a business - a money maker and I have to wonder why the package only referred to one supplier that required a $5 monthly membership.

on 8/17/15 7:42 pm - Toronto, Canada

I agree, definitely deraeves attended a TWH. Please mention it.

Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG

on 8/18/15 11:05 am - Toronto, Canada

I spoke to TWH centre and they told me to bring this up with the nurse when I go for post op appt. Sept 9. FYI The post op follow up is a 3hr appt w/ nurse and nutritionist.

Wish I didn't have to wait until Sept 9 to get this question answered. Seems like pretty straightforward info to me.

on 8/21/15 7:46 pm - OWEN SOUND, Canada

Hey - I'll be at TWH on the 9th for my follow up as well... 1pm.  Maybe see you there!

Referral: August 2014 Orientation: 28Nov14 Social Worker: 05Feb15 Nurse Practitioner: 25Feb15 Nutrition Class: 30Mar15 Dietitian: 14Apr15 Psychologist: 21Apr15 NP followup: 23Apr15 Meet Surgeon: 26June15 Start Opti/PreOp: 21July15 Surgery!: 04Aug15!! 

I keep a blog... you're welcome to read it anytime :)


on 8/21/15 9:51 pm - Toronto, Canada

1 pm - me too! This is me (Barb Bell) - just add some dark roots!

Barbara Bell

on 8/22/15 7:07 am - OWEN SOUND, Canada

Awesome!  I'm dying my hair today.  Tired of seeing my "natural grey highlights". lol.

I wonder if they do this as a group session.  There's 3 of us that I know of with the same appointment time/date. 

on 8/22/15 1:05 pm - Toronto, Canada

And I thought I was "special"!

on 8/16/15 11:04 am - Toronto, Canada

That is is the only moment in the whole process TWH even mentions the bracelet. I never got the impression that it was something they recommended as something we should do.

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