What are you eating/doing today (Friday)

on 12/5/13 7:06 pm

RNY  4 Years 8 Months Post Op


Out to another luncheon today.....its at a great Spanish restaurant this time and I know the menu well.....will work a walk in when I get home today....I am doing well on the re-gain.....but only going to post my loss every Sunday morning

STEPS - 10,001....


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


L - 5 oz sea bass

     roasted veggies

    1 square of corn bread and balsamic

    1 glass of Chardonnay


D - Greek salad -

     Grilled chicken breast


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,157,  Carbs - 59 grams,  Fat - 39 grams,  Protein - 102 grams


All water...2-3 litres - plus decaf coffee and tea

Have a great one   mail






zillohe S.
on 12/5/13 7:26 pm - Paris, Canada
Barb I know it hasn't been a week yet but are you starting to find yourself better rested and mentally less fatigued? I am working shifts, days, evenings and nights. I've just about had it yet can't retire yet. Everything in and on my body is out of whack and sometimes I don't know which way is up. I don't sleep and eating is way off. I have been doing this for years and just feel worn out. Right now I envy anyone who is retired when I am so close and can't do it. I know I am whining but just want to know what that light at the end of the tunnel looks like. By the way this is coming from someone who just finished 5 night shifts and is looking forward to sleeping when it is dark tonight. LOL!
on 12/5/13 7:47 pm

OK...now I know who this is!!.....you have changed your name....good to hear from you

Its going to take me awhile to feel relaxed....but I am certainly better then I have been the past 4 months preparing for the sale etc.....


I feel for you working shifts.....I never had to do that but my husband is a cop so I saw the havoc it wreaked on him the odd time he went off the 8 - 5 routine.....there is also a real weariness from years of being overtired...mentally as much as anything I think....I hope your light at the end of the tunnel is not too far off

As far as the eating goes.....thankfully I kept on OH the past few years as it at least kept me marginally focused....but you know I have gained and am trying to wrestle the beast again....

What has made me feel THE BEST the past week is knowing I have my eating on a better path....to me that is the biggest mental lift - to know I am in control again......I am only 4 days into great eating again and the mental lift is tremendous...

Take it easy....I wont say your name but its good to hear from you again







zillohe S.
on 12/5/13 8:11 pm - Paris, Canada
Yes its Wendy. I read this thread religiously. Weight gain has happened with me also. The food demons have returned. After optifast and Carnation Instant Breakfast SF I never thought I would ever be interested in sugar ever again. Well I was and and before I knew it it took hold and became addictive. I'm not proud of this and I am writing this so newbies are aware. I didn't realize it until it was too late. I am working at it but you know what, it was much easier to give up the trigger foods pre op than post op. The night shift is the worst. I eat to stay awake and eat if I can't sleep. There is no end to my 24 hour day. I don't have that night time break. I started taking sleeping aids but hate to do that but reality is if I don't I don't sleep during the day. I guess right now I need a routine and want a clear head. I remember years ago my doctor advised I get a routine. I laughed and asked 'how'. Retirement is 2 yrs and 1 1/2 months away At the earliest. I may even have to go longer. I am the oldest employee and may be the first to retire from this association. Got to win the lottery. You have worked hard and I hope you enjoy retirement to the fullest
on 12/5/13 8:33 pm

Ahh Wendy it"s so tough eh?.....especially when you begin to eat sugar and carbs.....my fav at night when I couldn't sleep was buttered toast and milk....I was sure it would make me relax and sleep...and sometimes it worked.....but mentally it was a downer...

We each have to figure this out....I do not want to go back to where I was...EVER.....and I could see myself gaining 10 pounds a year until I was back where I started.....its still going to be difficult eating correctly in retirement....the stress I gave up is one problem gone....but now I will have to deal with more time on my hands to think about food.....my plan is to fill that time with walking or another form of exercise.....

What is amazing is how mentally strong and good I feel getting control back.....the big thing is getting back on the horse when you fall off....and I know I will fall off....its the start again thats the toughie


All the best to you....hope you figure out a plan that will work for you....because going back to where you started is not going to help you physically or mentally....take care of yourself






zillohe S.
on 12/5/13 8:46 pm - Paris, Canada
Working on it and never want to get back where I was. Just a warning to all it can creep back on fast! You have watch everything you put in your mouth and log it. Don't cheat! Be true to yourself.
on 12/5/13 8:47 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

TGIF – Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

B-Oatmeal with ground flax seed

S-Premier protein shake

L- Extra lean minced turkey and diced tomatoes

D- 1% cottage cheese and ketchup

S- Premier protein shake

Cal-573, Carbs-25, Fat-11, Protein-93, Sugar-13, Chol-119





























































































































































































































































































on 12/5/13 9:56 pm - Toronto, Canada

Good morning,

Way to get back on that Barb!!

I'm still trying this melatonin concoction to help me sleep. UP at 4:30 today. I just feel like a zombie. Iron infusion on the 19th...here's hoping it helps!

I will try spinning again today...made it to 1/2 an hour last time. Running is still touch and go for me for now. Oh well. Lots of chauffering for me tonight, so lunch and dinner are the same.

B: goat yogurt mixed with source lemon yogurt and Holy Crap cereal

S: rest of yogurt concoction (it's my word of the day)

L: chicken and veggies

S: say cheese diet cheesecake

D: chicken and veggies

My totals are for the above. I will have more somewhere of something i'm sure! Coffee for sure


Totals Cal: 898 Carb: 42 Fat: 41 Protein106: Fibre: 11 Sugar: 14


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 12/5/13 10:39 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hope you have a great lunch Barb. TGIF for sure. Bad working week this week. I am now responsible for making twitter comments everyday for one of our websites. Haven't thought up anything yet.

Also have not thought up dinner! Perhaps fish or go out for dinner. Did not exercise this morning. Kind of sore. Probably should have to blow out the kinks

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

s silhouette yogurt, baby bel

l soup with ham, apple

s pure protein bar. Having this to try to stay away from the candy bowl

d not sure but enough calories left for something

cal 782 carb 82, prot 76.9





Julia P.
on 12/5/13 10:46 pm, edited 12/5/13 10:47 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/16/12

RNY 1 Year Post Op

Another crazy week at work, and a busy weekend of Christmas "stuff" - looking forward to the mental break from work, though.

I ran for 45 mins and did a 60 min hot yoga class yesterday (just the way the schedule worked out) - so today is a break day from exercise. 

Here's my eating plan:

B - Greek yogurt, berries, all bran, SF Syrup, protein bar

S - Cheese string, Orange, Pepperettes

L - Chicken breast and salad

S - Hummus, Carrots,

D - Out for dinner with friends - Salmon

S - SF jello, SF pudding

Totals - 1663 calories, 121g carbs, 58g fat, 171g protein

Have a great day!

Referral - December 2011 * Orientation TWH - March 13th, 2012 * Nurse Practitioner - April 17th, 2012 * Nutrition Class - April 17th, 2012 * Social Worker - April 24th, 2012 * Dietician - May 1st, 2012 * Psych - May 1st, 2012 * Surgeon - August 17th, 2012 * PATTS - Sept. 12th, 2012 * SURGERY TEGH, Dr. Cyriac - October 16th, 2012

Starting Weight - 320 lbs   *   Current Weight - 178 lbs  *  Goal Weight - 165 lbs 



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