What did you wear in the hospital?

on 9/12/13 11:11 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 09/19/13

I guess I was just worried about pj bottoms bothering me ... but I think I would be more comfortable in those as opposed to a nighty etc. 

What would the baby wipes be for?



on 9/13/13 3:07 am

For wiping yourself when you use the toilet kiss

You will be very sore at your core and reaching anywhere may be difficult. You also stay in the hospital and don't shower/bathe for a couple of days at least. 

on 9/13/13 6:10 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 09/19/13

Ohh ... thanks!  Never thought of that :)



on 9/12/13 11:23 pm - Oshawa, Canada

I left the hospital gown on and wore my pajama bottoms.  All the incisions are above your belly button or at least mine were so it didn't bother me.  I wore my crocs to roam the halls.

on 9/12/13 11:33 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/23/13

Plus one for the crocs.

I also wore the hospital gown. Didn't want to get any "seepage" onto my own clothes. An extra gown as a housecoat was perfect as well.

I was lucky and had the room to myself but others didn't so don't forget earplugs.

I wore the same clothes out that I wore in. Made sure that they were loose.


on 9/12/13 11:40 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My incisions leaked. So I wore the hospital gowns. Rather their stuff got bloody than mine.





Elisabeth G.
on 9/13/13 12:12 am - Windsor, Canada

I wore my pjs to the hospital and wore them home while in the hospital I wore a gown for the first couple of days once they took my iv out I put my own pjs on just to e more comfortable because the gown no matter my size have always been huge on me an no matter how tight you tie them they always fell off my shoulders I also brought hard soled slippers to roam the halls



on 9/13/13 6:02 am - Canada
I brought other clothes to wear,but I ended up just wearing the hospital gown the entire time as it was less to deal with and I had some fluid leakage from one of my incisions so I was happy to have that on the gown and not my clothes. They do give you a big housecoat type gown to wear (at least they did with me) and that worked fine for roaming the halls. I didn't have any pain in my tummy when reaching after going to the bathroom - that's what the pain meds are for! lol... I was pretty well taken care of in the pain department so it was a breeze to move around, other than having gas pressure.

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013

on 9/13/13 9:07 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

I wore my own nighty and i brought Capri PJ pants to cover my butt. The hospital gowns I was given were missing tabs and well that just wont do..Besides I felt like crap and there is nothing like a little piece of home. 

on 9/13/13 9:33 am - Goleta, CA

My hospital made me wear their gown and slipper socks.  But I brought my own robe which I put on when walking (one arm in and the other arm just drapped over my shoulder since I couldn't put it through the arm hole with my IV in.  That worked well though and it was nice having something of my own.  


HW  372 |  SW 338  |  RNY 8/28/2013 



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