
on 8/5/13 3:08 am - Toronto, Canada

Sorry to be a nuisance y'all but I was just wondering about the walking that needs doing after surgery. Did you go out and walk around the block or just about the house?

I swear that's all for today!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 8/5/13 3:16 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Depends on how you feel. Walking helps get rid of the gas, so I walked as much as I could.

By day 4 I felt well enough to walk the dog around the block. I am just over 2 months out and I feel like I need to be active all the time or I get very bored so I walk alot.









on 8/5/13 3:46 am - Toronto, Canada

Thank you sweets:) My apartment isn't too big but i guess it'll do till i'm ready for the world:)

Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 8/5/13 3:30 am
RNY on 07/02/13

Nuisance?  Hell no!  LOL!

That's what this place is for...ask away and never be afraid to ask anything!  As for walking, you take it slow - remember that your innards have been adjusted and moved around so you'll be feeling sore and/or gassy for a while as you heal.  Just do what you can when it comes to walking and pay attention to your body.  When I got home post op, I didnt have the energy and was too sore to go even half way down the block!  You should have seen the dirty looks my dog was giving me as he wondered why we were heading back home on such "short" walks lol but short 5-10 min walks were done and gradually I increased the distance/time as my body allowed.  Every day is different.

You won't be able to do any heavy lifting for a while and need to take the stairs slowly - oh and no doing cart wheels either!



RnY: July 2nd, 2013

on 8/5/13 3:48 am - Toronto, Canada

Heeehe! You're totally on to me. I was giving honest pause to relearning how to cartwheel when i could, just I can:) I guess that will have to wait just a bit;) Darn!!! Thank you so much doll!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 8/5/13 4:23 am
RNY on 07/02/13

You can always walk around in the apartment hallway too...but again, easy with the cart wheeling!



RnY: July 2nd, 2013

on 8/5/13 3:46 am

Everyone is different I am sure.  I had a lot of pain for a good week after surgery.  I have a hernia beside my belly button and not sure if that made it more sore?  Just over a week after I suddenly felt so much better.  I basically got up when I needed something or the bathroom and then I would take short walks in the house.  Now that I am 3 weeks post op and I am doing everything so much better.  I personally can't do long walks as I have very weak ankles that swell and hurt in no time.  I am hoping once more weight comes off that I will be ale to walk more.  I think the goal is to walk as much as you can tolerate.  The walking does help in making you recover.  Good luck with everything!!

on 8/5/13 3:50 am - Toronto, Canada

Thank you darlin!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 8/5/13 4:05 am - North York, Canada

My first surgery was open, and I had 24 staples down my front, so I was probably less active after that one than I will be after this. I walked as much as I could in the hospital (I was bored, so it helped), and then when I got home I took it slow and easy, and upped it as I could. It ABSOLUTELY helped with the gas, thankfully!

My goal this time around is to do the same - as much as my body and energy level allows. :)

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 8/5/13 4:11 am

When your in the hospital you need to walk the halls to try and get the gas moving, and to avoid blood clots of course. When i got home i walked the house as much as possible. Listen to your body and dont over do it. I would walk the house for a few minutes at a time the first week. Then ventured outside after that. And dont ever think your a nuisance , ask anything you want, someone is always willing to help...I am so excited for you. You will do great hun. Its going to be the start of a whole new life for you. Krista...kiss

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


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