2 year surgiversary - What a ride!!!

on 5/30/13 1:32 pm - Sudbury, Canada

Wow, it's been so long since I have posted here.  Just over 2 years ago I spent hours on this message board talking to people, researching, perusing "before and after" pics, and looking for people I could relate to.  Now it's been 2 years (as of today) since my RNY and my life has changed so much.  I'll share the numbers;

Weight on the day of surgery = 359 lbs (BMI 53)

Weight today = 185 lbs (BMI 26)

Total weight loss = 174lbs

                        Before surgery          Now         Total Loss

Waist                    50"                         32"                18"

Hips                      65"                         46"                 19"

Biceps                  20"                         13"                 14"

Chest                   56"                          40"                 16"

Thighs                 31"                          24"                 14"

Neck                    15"                           9"                   6"          Total inches lost = 87 Inches!

It's been a roller coaster ride both physically and emotionally.  For a while I didn't recognize myself in the mirror, and I still eye up the plus sized clothes even though I can no longer fit into them.  I used to wear size 32 pants, now I wear anywhere from 12-16 depending on the style.  I have a lot of loose skin around my tummy, thighs, and biceps that I am too afraid to undergo the surgery to have removed so it will stay with me forever.  We'll become friends one day, I'm sure! LOL. 

I have had some side effects....I have constant pain on the left side of my abdomen that put me in the O.R. for an exploratory laparoscopy last August.  It didn't fix the problem and they don't seem to know (care) what it is.  I have blackouts and dizziness from the dramatic drop in my blood pressure and heart rate since the surgery, but I'd rather deal with that instead of diabetes and high blood pressure.  By far, the best side effect of this surgery is the people that I have met in this community.  Through OH, YouTube, and my local support groups I have met some of the most wonderful, caring, supportive people. I love you all, I'm happy to be where I am today, and blessed to call many of you my friend. :)

I will leave you with a piece of advice that was given to me early into my journey.  This advice came from a very wise woman and I have never forgotten her wisdom, I will be forever grateful for her willingness to share this invaluable information.

Ready for it????  Here it comes....


NEVER TRUST A FART!!! (Monica Murphy, you are the wind beneath my wings!) LOL.  It is because of her that my unmentionables remain unmentioned! LOL



on 5/30/13 2:14 pm - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 08/02/13

lol, good piece of advice!

Glad to see you are doing good!


Referral:April 4th, 2012.Letter Received for Orientation:June 4th, 2012.Orientation: Sept. 24th, 2012. Blood Work: Dec 14th, 2012. Dietician: January 30th, 2013. ECG Done: January 30th, 2013 Gastroscopy: Feb. 5th, 2013. Social Worker: Feb. 8th, 2013(Canceled, due to snow storm). Abdominal Ultrasound: Feb. 12th, 2013. Surgeons Appt. Feb. 20th, 2013. Social Worker(Rescheduled): Feb. 25th, 2013. Internist: March 4th, 2013. Meet the Surgeon: March 12th, 2013.No Sleep Test Needed. Opti Started: July 16 - 30, 2013.Nutrition Class: July 18th, 2013. PATTS: July 19th, 2013 Surgery: August 2nd, 2013.

on 5/30/13 2:18 pm
That is awesome, Trudy! I'm so happy for your wonderful achievements, and hope to be sharing equivalent happy news in a couple of years, myself.

Orientation - 05/04/13  Social Worker - 08/04/13  Nurse Practitioner - 07/05/13  Nutrition Class - 13/05/13  Psych Assessment - 04/06/19  Nutritionist - 19/06/13  Dr. Urbach - 19/07/13  PATTS - 02/08/13  SURGERY AT TWH - 13/08/13  HW-393 Opti Start-386  SW-347


on 5/30/13 8:26 pm - Canada


Thank you!

Referral Oct 2012~Orientation May 31/13 at Ottawa Civic~Dr.Dent assessment July 16~Nutritionist and Behaviorist Sept 17~ Ultrasound Oct 17~Second appointment with Nutritionist and Behaviorist Nov 6~Approval for RNY!!~BLADDER CANCER DISCOVERED~Currently undergoing treatment for cancer, plans switched from RNY to sleeve...~GOT DATE FOR SURGERY...AUGUST 18th, 2014 with Dr. Yelle*....February 7/17...2.5 years post up and doing great. Starting process for OHIP funded panniculectomy...


on 5/30/13 8:26 pm

Congrats!!  What a successful journey.



Laurie C.
on 5/30/13 9:41 pm - Collingwood, ON, Canada


Congratulations, it was your you-tube journey I watched to help me decide about my surgery.

Thank you



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


on 5/30/13 10:20 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congrats on 2 years. You appear to be doing fantastic. Hope they find the source of your pain. I wish you continued success





Michele T.
on 5/30/13 10:32 pm - Canada

Congratulations and so happy you are doing so well.  Love the advice :)


Referral from GP October 2012  Starting Opti July 15th  Surgery with Dr. Jackson @ TWH on August 8th, 2013


on 5/30/13 11:45 pm - Toronto, Canada

Bahahahahaha! Indeed! And congratulations darlin!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 5/31/13 7:46 am - Athens, Canada

Congratulations on your successful journey. I truly wish you all the best in the future as well.

  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

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