3 month Surgiversary, The Better Side of Average, SV's, NSV's &...

on 4/19/13 12:28 pm, edited 4/19/13 2:38 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

I have been absent from the board lately - reading when I can but not posting. Yesterday (April 18th) was my 3 month surgiversary so I thought I'd give an update!

The Better Side of Average with all the reading I've done both here & elsewhere, I feel like I have had an "above average" experience. I have had some nausea/foamies issues but they are self inflicted i.e. I either ate too fast, didn't chew enough, swallowed pieces that were too big, or simply overate. I am learning & doing this much less often but it still happens sometimes. But for the most part, I have had no issues...until last weekend when I moved wrong & suddenly felt some pain behind & around my upper incision - the one right below "the girls". Certain ways I move/twist/bend cause me a sharp pain/burning sensation that almost feels like a pulled muscle but with more burning. Not sure what happened but it's not unbearable & my next appt at the clinic is in less than 2 weeks, so I will ask about it then, unless it gets worse...if so, I will deal with that.

Worst part of this whole journey (for me...) is that I used to be one of those people who were always warm. No matter what. Anytime, anywhere, I was always too warm. Well I have flipped to the extreme. I am always always ALWAYS cold. Freezing cold. It's frustrating! I have used more natural gas & ho****er (for baths!) in the last 3 months than the last 3 years +. I do not leave the house without a sweater, & I get very cranky when I have to go outside on days like today where it's snowy, damp, & blustery. And...I refused to buy a new winter jacket since it probably won't fit me next winter, & I grew (shrank) out of my current jacket about 2 months ago, so I've been layering to keep warm when I go out. Interested to see what happens in the dead heat of summer (if that ever happens around here!) Ok...I'll quit whining about it now...lol!!

SV's: Jan 2nd - starting Opti weight was 259.5. Jan 17th - pre surgery weight was 243. This morning I was 204.5 so exactly 55 lbs lost since Jan 2nd. Sooo close to Onederland I can almost taste it!! I am happy with my progress, even though I was getting a little frustrated when for 2 weeks I had gone down to 205, then back up to 212, then would lose a couple lbs, & gain one. Lose 3, gain 2...etc. etc...this went on for 2 weeks but now I feel whatever that was has ended & I am back on the losing curve. Not sure if anyone else notices this but I feel that when I'm losing, my bones/joints get very very achy. Could also be the weather but I've never had weather related aches like this before...

NSV's: so many...where to start...

Definitely very excited that I started this journey in a tight size 22 pants, size 1X or 2X tops, & am now in size 16 pants (which are getting loose!) & a large top for the most part. People are noticing & as vain as this may sound, I will never ever get tired of hearing "oh my God, look at you!" or "you look great"! I am noticing the difference too...most days!! Of course I, like most, have my days where I feel although the scale may say I've lost, I don't believe it. But they're rare.

Love the fact that I had to move the seat up in my SUV. I was sure hubby had moved it back, he swears he didn't move it & I believe him.

Also love the fact that I am inspiring people. I work out at the gym 3 days/week. I have so much energy & I feel anxious if I don't go. I usually feel so anxious that I end up just going to ease the anxiety. I work hard & it is paying off. And my friends & family are proud of me & inspired by my motivation. Which motivates me even more. It's a win-win situation. I just need to keep this mind set over summer as we get so busy it's easy to drift away from the gym. This year I refuse to let that happen. At least that's the plan.

Bought a kayak & cannot WAIT to use it!! I have kayaked before, recreationally, & that's all this will be too but I am so excited. I love the peace & quiet on the lake in the early morning. It will be my sanctuary & I am counting the days (now if only I could speak to Mother Nature about the blizzard she "so kindly" sent our way today cheeky

And...we set a wedding date! We have been together just over 7 years, engaged since Sept '11. We finally picked a date & booked the hall - May 24, 2014. I am calling it my sister's gala 50th birthday bash as she turns 50 the following day. She is also my matron of honor. I plan on doing something Cinderella-ish to her as she keeps joking that she can only stay until midnight as she needs to be back at the retirement home...lol...         Anyway hubby has been married before but this is my first, I'm the baby in my family, both my parents are still with us so all in all it's a very exciting time for us...let the planning begin!!!

Heading to Niagara this weekend for DH's business conference Sun - Tues, then to Hamilton Wed - Sat so hubby can do some training. Will be a welcome break from the hectic life of work & school (speaking of school, wrote my final exam on Wednesday & have now officially finished the Hospital Ward Clerk/Secretary program & am pursuing a job in that field...yay me!!)

All in all...life is grand. Loving (& rocking!) my RNY. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat!! Sooner, if I could!!

Sorry for the long post but just wanted to update y'all. Thank you all for your support & wisdom & just being who you are. I am so very grateful to be on this journey with you!!

Sue heart

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 4/19/13 12:41 pm - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Such an encouraging post, congratulations.  enlightened

Cathy xo

Orientation: Feb 2013, Surgeon, Nurse, Dietician: June 2013, Dr. Glazier: April 2013, Surgeon: Dr. John Hagen, June 2013, PATTS: August 2013, Optifast: August 2013, Surgery: HRRH Sept. 5, 2013


on 4/19/13 2:38 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

Thanks Cathy!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 4/19/13 1:53 pm - Cambridge , Canada
RNY on 01/10/13

Wonderful post, glad to see you back and posting on the site.  

1)..Congrats on your amazing progress and all the NSV's your experiencing. I agree the " you look great" and "Look at you" comments are some you could never get tired of hearing :).

2)... Grats on the wedding day plans, wishing you both the best.

3)... Grats on your completing your schooling, hope you find a great job in your field.

TC Donna


1/10/13  Dr. Reed(Guelph) HW 315  OPTI 284.8 (-17.2 )  SD 267.5   CW 181.8 GW 125

1)19.8 2)12.8  3)11.4 4)10 5)10.2 6(July) 9.0 7)6.8 8)     9)      10)      11)      12)

There is no duty we underrate so much as the duty of being happy. Robert Louis Stevenson.





on 4/19/13 2:40 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

Thanks Donna! Been meaning to post for a while & thought the 3 month "surgiversary" was a good time to do so!!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 4/19/13 2:05 pm - Canada

The wind is just howeling it's crazy cold and I smile in the knowing that you really understand, I am content in knowing that within a few days we could easily reach the 20s . Winter is just having a hard time letting go this year.  Sue I am happy for you and glad to hear that you are doing so well in prep for after wls I have bought a variety of cashmere and silk clothing as I know they are really warm and I am also worried about feeling cold as I'm always cool to cold pre op.  my daughter slept  in my bed a while bag and I turned the heating pad on and the electric blanket on and she woke up saying she felt like a grilled cheese sandwich and wondered how I could stand all the blankets and such.  sSue good luck at your three month appointment and spring when it comes ps the clothing came from the sa and value village may street also has some cool second hand stores that have low prices . Enjoy your time away from our crazy winter wonderland

 Respectfully Jane
on 4/19/13 2:46 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

Yes Jane, I for one have had about enough of winter for this year! But - it is what it is & we will deal with it as we always do! I have plans to buy an electric blanket or mattress warmer before next winter for sure. My heating pad has also been my best friend for the past couple of months.

I have bought most of my post-op clothes at the value village with the exception of 2 pairs of dress pants (Sears) & 2 pairs of jeans (Kohl's in Duluth). Find it's easy to find tops there but bottoms - not so much! I went on the last 50% off day & spent $80...& of those clothes I have already had to donate some back...almost time for another trip to see if I can find some summer stuff!

Thank you Jane, & take care!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 4/19/13 3:38 pm - Canada

Liquidation world had some on sale 40 present off this week heating blankets

 Respectfully Jane
on 4/19/13 6:02 pm

Great update!!  Sorry to hear about the weather, we had a minor heat wave yesterday.....21C, with rain (no snow).

I sympathize with you on feeling cold.  I found the first 3 months the hardest.  I wear jackets, sweater or hoodies each day.  Then I wear them under my jacket.  My winter jacket is about 2 sizes two big.  I am hoping that I am done with it for now.


Congrats on your SV.  You are getting so close to Onederland.  



on 4/19/13 9:40 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Post was great and not too long. I hear you about being cold. It appears to be a common complaint. Glad you have had such a great journey and i wish you continued success.





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