Upset, anxious and frustrated

on 2/21/13 11:19 pm

Those are my feelings today - at this moment in time.

I finally had my Orientation on February 4th, 2013 (after 3 years if mix ups and mistakes) and was elated when they provided a relatively nice timeline for appointments.

1st appointments being within 1 to 2 months of the Orientation then 3 to 6 months from there for the other appointments and surgery in a year to 16 months. I was fine with that.

My doctor received the requisition forms and I have had my blood tests completed and my abdominal ultrasound is booked for Monday, so I am set, bring on the 1st appointment!

I called St. Joe's Hamilton today - spoke with a Nancy to find out about getting appointments setup and going. She told me that I have my 1st appointment booked with the dietician already. I said great! When is it?

It is at 2pm on JULY 24TH!


I asked if there was a cancelation list or something I could get my name on to get through the appointments faster, she said no there is not one. I asked if there was anyway I could slip in somewhere much sooner than that, she said no they are full up.

I just thanked her for her time and ended the call nicely. I then proceeded to physically CRUMPLE and felt like crying and crawling into bed for the rest of the day (I am at work right now, so that is clearly not an option)

Am I out in left field for feeling like this? Is there a way I can get this moving so much faster. I am available for whenever the can take me, I can move mountains with my schedule - if she said that there was an opening today - I would be gone and there in 45 minutes.

Should I request a change to a different centre to move faster?

I am sorry if this sounds like whining, but I feel so let down. I was not expecting to be swept through but that is ridiculous.

Also, I see a lot of people have appointments with 3 people their "1st" appointment day. If they are booking into July, could I have not had a whole bunch of appointments the same day?


Referral: April 21, 2010 and October 19, 2012  Letter: November 9th, 2012           Orientation: February 4th, 2013  Nurse and Dietician: July 24th, 2013   Social Worker: September 17th, 2013    Internist:  October 3rd, 2013    Dietician and Psychologist: October 4th, 2013    Surgeon Appointment with Dr. Gmora: October 30th, 2013    Surgery: December 2nd, 2013

St. Joe's Hamilton

on 2/21/13 11:40 pm - Canada

You have every right to be frustrated and upset! My advice to you is to call in every 2 days for cancelations because unlike what Nancy said the DO have cancelations. This exact same thing happened to me (I'm in Ottawa) and I called politely every two days and got bumped up months and months. You really have to be your own advocate and take control! Call Monday and be persistent. Good luck!



Amanda F.
on 2/21/13 11:52 pm - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 01/10/13
I'm surprised after 3 years of mistakes they aren't bumping you up. Pretty ****ty if you ask me.

Like Aidan said, you MUST be your own advocate and be proactive. CALL, CALL, CALL!

Referral to Bariatric Program at TWH: 08/09/11     Orientation at TWH: 08/17/11                 Nurse Practitioner: 10/12/11
Social Worker: 12/02/11                                         Nutrition Class: 12/21/11                         Nutrition Assessment: 01/26/12
Psycho-Social Assessment: 05/31/12                      Meet Dr. Penner (TWH) 11/30/12            Pre-Admission: 12/10/12

Surgery Date: January 10, 2013
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

                             For more information on the Midtown Toronto Walking Club, please click here.

on 2/22/13 12:14 am


I am soo sorry that you are in this position.  What I have read on this site over and over is people asking to change centres all the time, sooo I would start with that.  Here is the number for Humber River Regional Hospital, HRRH, 416-747-3720.  (If you get the answering machine, just call back in a few minutes) 

Tell them about the issues and ask them the procedure to change centres.  They are supper sweet and accommodating if you are polite and understanding of the wait times.  (A little joke here and there works too I find, just saying)

Good luck and keep us posted!




Sylvie G.
on 2/22/13 12:28 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

I just don't understand in the inconsistency from centre to centre.  it doesn't make sense.  No one should have to wait more than a year for any type of healthcare.  Though I do appreciate the fact we have our healthcare paid for in Ontario, we still shouldn't have to wait so long to get it.  The only thing I can suggest is to keep making calls and pushing for the surgery you know you need.  I have called and asked for every appointment I have gotten so far so I am moving pretty quickly through the process.  Some have criticized me for "bucking" the system but only you can fight for your health.  Some may be complacent when it comes to their health but I can tell by your OH name that you aren't willing to sit idly by and let others dictate to you.  All I can say is "Fight, Fight, Fight".

on 2/22/13 12:37 am, edited 2/22/13 12:40 am - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

All centres are different so you have to compare yourself with someone going to the same centre as we all attend different centres.

Timelines from orientation to surgery is different for all centres. The only thing you can do is keep calling and asking for any cancelations that is how I got my appointments faster.

You may request a change but that does not mean you will get one as there are people that come from all over Ontario to various centres based on their postal code and if they allow people to change all the time to one centre because it may be a bit faster timeline then it will put strain on that centre and cause backlogs.

Even though some people may have shorter or longer timelines we have to realize not every person is the same and there could be reasons why it takes one to get through the process faster then the next person such as various health reason, tests needing to be done, making sure people have support etc. Just because you are excepted into the program doesn't mean you will get the red light for surgery right away everything is taken into consideration before surgery is performed.


Good luck but keep calling for cancelations

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 2/22/13 12:39 am

Advocate for yourself... Call in regularly ask ask ask... My referral went in on oct 29th 2012 and I'm waiting now to meet the sergeon.  Should have surgery by June/July.

keep on them.. When you go for apts ask again!  If you wait around you will really be waiting around.... Forever!


on 2/22/13 12:50 am - Stoney Creek, Canada
RNY on 02/11/13
I was supposed too be at St.Joes too but I switched centers at the end of November and had my surgery Feb. 11th! Definitely ask about switching to Humber River it was the best thing I could have done

Initial Referral: Feb. 17/12 - Orientation (St. Joe's): Oct 1/12 - Orientation (HRRH): Nov 26/12 - Meet Surgeon (Dr. Hagan): Nov 28/12 - Dietitian (Michelle): Nov 28/12 - SW (Jackie): Nov 28/12 - NP: Dec 20/12 - Bloodwork: Dec 20/12 - Medical Internist (Dr. Glazer): Jan 10/13 - Surgeon (Dr. Hagan): Jan 17/13 - Optifast: Jan 28/13 - Surgery: Feb11/13!!!


Tanya T.
on 2/22/13 2:21 am

I understand your frustration.  If this helps at all I was 10 months from referral to surgery at St. Joe's things moved along quickly.  Calling couldn't hurt at....squeaky wheel gets the grease!!!!



on 2/22/13 2:47 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/13

This is all very interesting to me. I live LITERALLY 10 minutes from St.Joes in Hamilton and yet I got a call that I am being sent to TWH as the wait times in Hamilton are too long. Apparently any new referrals in my area are being shipped out to Toronto.

You have every right to be upset! ((HUG)) I agree that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I will be one of those squeaky wheels as I hope to have surgery by the end of summer if at all possible.

Referral Sent: Jan. 2013, Orientation: Mar. 2013, Social Worker: Jun. 2013 Nurse: Jul. 2013, Nutrition Class: Aug. 2013, Dietician: Aug. 2013, Psych: Aug 2013  Surgeon: Oct. 2013, PATTS: Nov. 2013 SURGERY: Nov. 7th 2013!!!


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