
on 2/23/13 10:03 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13
I know there have been hundreds of postings on this topic but..
I have the foamies for the first time ever tonight & I pray to God I NEVER get them again! What an absolutely horrible feeling!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 2/23/13 10:07 am
Ahhhhh did you get the lovely feeling of OMG am I having a heart attack... Cest pain/pressure heart pal patios and nausea too???
Lesson learned.... Small bite, chew chew chew, swallow wait wait repeat
Good luck to you
May our mouths never fill with foam again


HW:282      pre-opti W: 268       CW: 172.       SW:255.5

Surgery: RNY   Jan. 17, 2013   Dr Raiche   OTTAWA

on 2/23/13 10:19 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13
Ohhh yes I most certainly did! Whilst sitting in Montana's with hubby & his boss, no less. Then again while I (emphasis on "I") was driving hubby's boss back to his hotel. The second he got out of the car I said "I'm going to throw up", pulled away from the doors, told hub he had to drive, parked the car & got sick again (foam only) as I walked around the front of the car. Then twice since we got home. Can feel the pressure building up again & just want to go to bed but I'm a little scared to in case it happens again.

TMI? Sorry all, I just know that many of you can relate!!

However, hubby has been extremely supportive & encouraging, so he will receive supreme appreciation for that...tomorrow!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 2/23/13 10:27 am
Only been that bad for me once... Now I eat really slow and pay attention with every bite. I remember ignoring a heartburn sensation the time it happened to me.... Never again!
The good thing for me is any yucky feelings I get only tend to last 20-45 minutes.... Usually about 30 thank god for small miracles


HW:282      pre-opti W: 268       CW: 172.       SW:255.5

Surgery: RNY   Jan. 17, 2013   Dr Raiche   OTTAWA

on 2/23/13 9:04 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

This one lasted about 2 hours, then poof! All of a sudden it was gone.

Feeling much better this morning...not 100%, but close!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 2/23/13 10:10 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Sorry to tell you... It may happen at any time. On anything. No warning!

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/23/13 11:22 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 01/16/13

Second this,   It's happened to me on various occasions regardless of bites size or chewing.    Hopefully it's something that will happen less and less the longer time goes on.    Hopefully. 

Surgery date:  January 16 2013 -  Beware, I LIVED.


"Not all those who wander are lost..."

on 2/23/13 9:06 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

I was afraid you'd say that! Just have to remind myself to be more aware in the future & try to avoid it at all costs...but yes I am sure it won't be the last time, unfortunately!!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


on 2/23/13 11:43 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Honestly... I have found the more I can just step away, be ill... Completely (we're not trying to save anything here), go back and sit for about 10 min... and I am good. May even manage to pull off dinner.

I can't do something cold to sip after warm food... foamies.

I can't do straigh****er... foamies.

I can't do re-heated anything unless very moist... foamies.

I can't do chicken that is too dry unless I drown it in gravy... foamies.

I can't do a bite of a pan fried potato... foamies. (we were told to try starches... HAHAHA)

Toast that wasn't toasted well enough? Foamies.

Something moist but thick and something crispy at the same time... foamies.

The key to no foam for me? Anything bu****er, warm, wet, and well toasted... But not combined with other food items.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/24/13 11:57 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13

Oh my, Shell! I really do think it was a combination of dry chicken/ate too fast/didn't chew enough. I was to the point that I wanted to "make" myself get sick (more than just the foam...) BUT I know that's not a good thing & in reality was a chicken-sh*t to try I waited it out, dealt with the foamy vomit the few times it happened & it was all good.

But wow, that's quite the list you have there!

The only other thing that's bothered me was going on the treadmill & drinking water, too soon after I eat. Even waiting the 1/2 hour after I eat, I still can't drink & walk at the same time...foamies (but mild). Have to wait at least an hour, & the longer the better. Problem is of course, the longer I wait, the closer it gets to the next meal time. Can't win!! LOL!!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


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