Down the toilet...

on 1/22/13 12:10 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
RNY on 01/18/13
That's where my positive attitude has gone. Since surgery on Friday I have been consistently improving & feeling very positive. Ok, for a brief moment right after surgery I thought "what have I done to myself" but it passed, quickly. Otherwise, the hardest part has been getting in all the fluids. But today everything is making me sick. Had a sip of coffee this morning (decaf, with skim milk), then dumped the cup and the rest of the pot. Drank 1/2 a boost, wanted to throw up. Had a shower, thought I was going to pass out. Dried my hair & broke out in a heavy sweat. Took my potassium, man that stuff is disgusting, wanted to throw up again. I know this too shall pass but Boy, I sure hope these days are few & far between!
My positive attitude will return, I know it. It will also help once I am at home (still in hotel until tomorrow). Just not feelin the love for my new pouch today!
Thinking of calling it Satlin. 'Cause sometimes it feels evil like Satan & sometimes it feels magical like Merlin!

Referral from family doctor: April 2011

Surgery date: JAN 18, 2013 @ St Joe's Hamilton with Dr. Anvari


Marny B.
on 1/22/13 12:20 am - Canada

Aw....just a bump.  You'll get over it.  It is sometimes hard to believe life will ever return to normal again, but it does.  You know that, you just need to have a 'poor me' moment, or heck a whole day....and you're allowed.  You just had your insides cut, rearranged, sewn back together again.  Wallow away, then climb back on the horse and giddy-up back to health !     (I've been looking for an excuse to use that emoticon. Haha!)

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


Joyce J.
on 1/22/13 12:23 am - Scarborough, Canada

Hi there

The first few weeks are the hardest I think. Most of us have that "what have I done" feeling.

Try and stay positive. Get as much fluid in as you can so you don't get dehydrated.

You may be having these "passing out, and feeling ill issues" because you are not getting enough in, water and whatever protein you can


Chin up

This too shall pass

take care


Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 1/22/13 12:33 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

1. If I shower... And dry myself... And dress... There is no way in heck I can dry my hair too or I break out in a sweat on my forehead and need a nap.

It is called over doing it. Slow it down... Break it up. You are not going to do yourself any favours by pushing it and that is pushing it. You need to PLAN big adventures like that... As time goes on you will be able to combine them but maybe not just yet.

You need to remember you just had major surgery.

I think this is the one thing I am glad to have learned when I was extremely ill. I learned to go with the "Spoon Theory".

Healing from surgery is just like that. It is learning to live all over again at times and I keep reminding myself of my spoons.

It will get better though!

2. Coffee... Um... I have found it i**** and miss. As is Earl Grey tea... Even the decaf ones. Sometimes the smell gets to me even (and at the 5 day mark where you are I was gagging over the smell... 3 days later I was making a protein shake by making decaf, cooling half a cup and making a mocha flavoured one. Go figure.

3. Boost... I've never had those but why boost? Isn't that a meal replacement? I thought we were not suppose to do that... Then again you through another clinic so I am not sure what your guidelines say. Same with potassium... we don't have to take that... Any way to hide the taste in something?

I'm not going to lie to you. I have had 3 of those types of days in 2 weeks. That said... It gets better. I usually curl up... take a 30 min nap or watch TV and it passes... or if I am up for it a walk outside but that requires energy. Which is in short supply sometimes.





Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 1/23/13 12:46 am - Canada

Wow! I didn't think anyone else had spoons!!! It's a great way to explain chronic health issues to people who don't get it!


Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


on 1/23/13 1:00 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Oh yes... I have spoons. I may been up to about 45 a day now (well ok I was pre-op) but I am back down to about 15-20 and losing my mind a little over it. I just keep reminding myself that it is better then having 10... Or 6...

There are a few of us that have spoons, or had spoons. It is a great way to make others understand too!


I got lucky and got back to a picture of health but I was really ill for a long time... I was trapped inside myself at one point for a few months and the thought of going back scares the hell out of me.

Think of having your spouse wash your hair and shave your legs because you couldn't do it yourself ill. Think being so far gone cognitively that if someone asked if you wanted a coffee... and you didn't answer because speaking was hard that day so they brought you one just in case and you wanted it... You knew in your mind that it looked and smelled good but your brain didn't function in a way that would allow it to process how to reach for that coffee, pick it up and drink it. Those would be days where I had screwed up and used the day's spoons on the day before typically.


I never ever want to go back there... Goodness help me.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


Megan M.
on 1/22/13 12:54 am - Canada

You've just had major surgery - what you're feeling is normal.  Take it easy, take it slow, and you'll be fine.  Listen to your body as you know it best.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

Niki L.
on 1/22/13 2:19 am - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
I had i really hard time the 1st few weeks it dose get better .
on 1/22/13 7:37 pm

Poor you!  I bet as well, not being home yet added to your feelings.  Safe trip.  Hopefully today will be better.



on 1/22/13 10:09 pm - Brampton, Canada

Food first. Protein or something. Anything.

You're now asking that 8 cylinder wild stallion to  run on the fuel of a pinto.

If you break out in a sweat, LISTEN (like the other ladies said)

It will pass... I promise..

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

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