maybe a dumb question...and back pain update

on 12/10/12 2:24 am - Canada

Went and saw my family dr today regarding the back pain that's left me useless the past 3 days...

It's not a back issue unless I pulled a muscle but I am almost certain I did not.  She did a urine test and found blood in the urine (not even near TOM) but no white cells.  She also found ketones and said I'm in a state of ketosis.

Is ketosis normal a month out?  Maybe that's a dumb question since I'm only eating 600calories max but I dont know...

Shes not convinced its a kidney infection so has sent my urine to the lab.  

I'm also borderline dehydrated so has lectured me about hydration..which I know but I'm only really getting about a litre a day and really don't know how to up that..trying to continuously sip...

Anyways, I left a msg for the nurse at my centre and hope to hear back from her today but it'll likely be tomorrow..and in the meantime, I guess I'll just have soup as my meals cause at least that'll help with getting my fluid in...

referral: fall 2010, orientation: march 2011, nut/psyc: fall 2011, nurse: jan 2012,   tests: march 2012, pre-surg class: Sept 2012, surgeon, Sept. 2012.  Surgery:  Nov 8, 2012

on 12/10/12 2:53 am - Canada

If I get too dehydrated I can actually feel pain in my kidneys and it can easily be considered back pain... if you ball up your fists and put them on either side of your spine right around your waist area....that is where your kidneys sit...

Where is your back pain?  Does it radiate?  get worse when you are sitting, lying, moving?  I suffer from pinched nerves sometimes and that knocks me on my ass for weeks ... its lower lumbar pain radiates down my leg through my butt cheek... that pain is ok provided I don't move at all...if I am standing I am ok, if I am lying down I am ok, if I am sitting i am ok but if I even THINK about moving from any of those positions I am in crying pain....

Drink drink drink as much as you can... I hope they figure it out soon .... back pain is no fun!

Family Dr. 06/05/2012    Referral Received 06/28/2012 Orientation 08/01/2012   NP 08/27/2012
SW 08/28/2012              Nut Class 08/27/2012
NUT 10/01/2012              PS 10/01/2012
Surgeon Dr. Cyriac 12/07/2012  **SURGERY  JAN 30, 2013**



on 12/10/12 3:23 am

to get all my water in  I bought a digital watch and set the timer for every 15 min. and took a drink--I did this from the min. I woke up to when i went to bed- minus the 1/2 hour after meals etc-it may be a good aid to help you drink more---just sayin"


referral  Nov 23, 2011 orientation Dec 16   PATT Aug 9 OR DATE Aug. 20, 2012 ACHIEVED CLINIC GOAL Feb. 2013


on 12/10/12 3:30 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sounds like you are doing all you can. I hope you centre can help you. The lab maybe able to shed some light on it. If you do not hear back from your doctors office call to confirm there is no issue.





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