27 days to surgery...

on 11/21/12 1:48 pm

and I'm driving myself crazy.  I have my kitchen supplies, and pantry ready. Have bought premier shakes both choc and vanilla, and natural protein. Have tons of books and on line articles, but..... I Still Feel I'm Missing Something. PATTS are done and went well. I still need to meet with the endocrin that will be following me while in hospital, but thats all thats left. I guess it's just the fear of what might happen because of all of my health issues. My five yr. old keeps saying she cant wait until I have surgery so that I can run after her and play. I guess we're both looking forward to that. I've been so emotional, especially since I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with fibromyalgia. I just feel so overwhelmed.  Since my surgery is so close to Christmas my family will be spending it with my inlaws, which is ok but I have no idea how I will feel. I just don't want my daughter to lose out because of me. I normally decorate the entire house, and I have a Christmas village that spans the entire first floor of my house. But, because of the amount of pain I've been in I haven't been able to do any of it and the guilt has set in. I guess I'm just over whelmed, and needed to vent. Thanks for listening, it means more than you know.

Thanks again,



  oct'12 - 230lbs, pre opti - 219, post opti - 209

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