i am being a whine a$$ for a minute k?

on 7/19/12 1:19 am

Forgive me for being whiney and a big baby... we all love those types right? (NOT)

Alas, here I am.. whinning...

I got on the scale this morning and am somehow up 7lbs from last wednesday... well ****
If i can't keep my sh*t together before surgery.. how the hell am I going to do so afterwards?!

ARGH!!!!!! I am truly ready for this surgery and have started taking SMALL steps to prep myself for life afterwards... yet here i am... fat as well and keep going...

I also wanted to mention that someone posted earlier about how to start living your life now instead of waiting for after surgery... I feel like almost every sentence that has something to do with confidence, size or capability i start with " after I have surgery I can".... what has happened to... I can NOW...?

I am living with looking to the future... that may take a while to get there... so I need to learn to live in the moment.. right?...

ok sorry for this crazy , inconsistent rant.. just had to release some frustration... threw the scale across the bathroom floor this morning... poor bf thought I had lost my everloving mind. lol

and I am now done... time to move forward... this is a wasted space forum, i apologize, however needed to get it out and felt the best place, where I would not be judged would be here.

*namaste* lol
Karen M.
on 7/19/12 1:24 am - Mississauga, Canada
Well hell, vent all you want. We all do. And we all listen.

*namaste" to you too. LOL



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/19/12 1:24 am - St. Williams, Canada
VSG on 05/02/12
You go girl - got your head on straight - keep on keepin' on....

on 7/19/12 1:37 am
Having your surgery will help you to get your **** together. That's why we have it right -because we need help with the weight battle.?


(deactivated member)
on 7/19/12 1:40 am - Straford, Canada
Megan M.
on 7/19/12 2:24 am - Canada
You're a classic example of why we have this surgery - you need help with your weight issues.  But on a more serious note, you do need to be making wise and healthy choices right now - you can't rely on the surgery to do it for you because the surgery is only a small part of what awaits you.  The surgery is a tool that will help you on the road to a healthier lifestyle, but it's not your magic bullet - you are your own magic bullet!  Start getting it together right now - you can do it.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

on 7/19/12 2:34 am
Well gosh people!

Thanks for the love!

I decided that next week all meals will consist of nothing but heathy options... and ok a few sf puddings... lol.

I make a meal plan every week.. so now is the time to get into the swing of healthy choices.. i will avoid the inside isle at the grocery store.. me being proactive.. :)

Thanks again... yet another reason I love this place... love, support, encouragement!

Ok now I can truly say " Namaste" without sounding hypocirtical..

I am calmer 
on 7/19/12 2:50 am
Have you though about posting on the "what are you eating/doing today" thread? 


on 7/19/12 2:57 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
I know the scale can be frustrating. Take into consideration the extreme heat we have had. Before my surgery I used to balloon up a shoe size with water retention as soon as it got hot. I know it is hard but try not to get too discouraged the goal is in site.





ambi bambi
on 7/19/12 6:31 am - Canada
RNY on 08/03/12
I understand the 'whine'. I went up when I first started maming little changes, it was like my body (or my subconsciuos) was saying "oh yeah? You wanna change stuff well let's ssee if you're serious."

I've been slowly losing a trickle of weigh here and there since starting the journey, I managed 10 pounds before my pre suregery diet started. I've lost 7 since starting the diet. I refuse to weigh myself more htan once a week, I know it can work but I also know it can be too powerful a bat for my negative talker to beat me with. I prefer the scale went down days to the scale stayed the same ones but doesn't everyone?

Totally off topic though (because Megan m mentioned it) - I went to Costco to get a magic bullet, and told my friend I wanted one while we were there. She paused and gave me the weirdest look. The she asked why I wanted one. I told her "to make small shakes." and she started laughing. She thought I wanted to buy a vibrator at costco

Hope that cheers you up.


Referral: 9 May 2011                 Info OWC : 22 July 2011           Nurse: 16 April 2012    
Nut/Behaviour: 14 May 2012     Scope : June 29 2
012               UltraSound: 26 April 2012
Education Class: 27 June 2012   Meet the Surgeon: 10 July 2012
Surgery Date:
3 Aug 2012 with Dr. Raiche

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