Ottawa surgery-

on 5/22/12 1:31 am
Hello All!

I am a newbie here on OH - I have been reading many forums and have decided to go ahead and ask a question, since you all seem super supportive and encouraging no matter the question!\

I am 26 year who is currentl on the "waitlist" for surgery at the Ottawa Civic.Apparently I have become ubber inpatient as of recently and am curious to know where I am at ( if anywhere) on this fantasticly long waitlist!

I am able to rationilize with myself that my referral was only sent in in October 2011 and I attended the info session Jan 6th. I have a long wait from what I see and I fully realize that this weight did not go on over night, nore will it come off that fast either lol.

So my question- would it be silly/ a nuisance to call the Ottawa WMC to see if I am anywhere on the weight list??

Thank you loves!

on 5/22/12 1:36 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12
IMO, yeah, it would be silly and a bit of a nuissance to call and see where you are on the waiting list.

Are your appointments with the nutritionist and behaviourst booked yet?
on 5/22/12 1:46 am
Nothing yet!

Just starting to get ansty is all...
on 5/22/12 1:59 am
RNY on 11/21/12
You could call and find out where you are.  I know when I went for the orientation, they said there was a 8-9 month delay before we would get out appointments because of the backlog of people.  I have my first appt with the APN on May 30.  If this is still the case, you might not start getting appoinments until Sep/Oct. 

Hope that helps and trust me hang in there. 

HW: 400.5 CW: 251.0 GW: 199


on 5/22/12 2:09 am - Canada
Wow 7 months is a long time to wait... I don't think it would be too bad to call and just inquire where you are on the list and what they feel the wait will be.... im sure they get those calls all the time...

its not like you got a referral and are calling the next week you have waited 7 months? I think its okay...

Karen M.
on 5/22/12 2:30 am - Mississauga, Canada
I don't believe they will tell anyone *where* on the waiting list they are, but I could be mistaken.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/22/12 2:19 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Hi Chanelle

The wait time from orientation to first appointment is eight to nine months in Ottawa.  Since your orientation was January 6, you can expect to hear from them in September or October of this year.

My timeline is below;  many other Ottawa posters have their timeline shown as well.

It's a long time ... I know what it feels like, not that that's of any assistance. 

Glad you're here -- this is the  best resource for information and support.



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 5/22/12 2:24 am - Ottawa, Canada
 I attended one of the April info sessions in Ottawa.  At that time, they told people that it would be a 12 month wait until the next appointment.  I'm really hoping that is worst case scenario.  


HW: 386 - RNY: 356.8 (14-Mar-2013) - CW: 238.6 (07-May-2014)  . . . GOAL: 199  

on 5/22/12 3:19 am

Thank you all for the responses :)!

I suppose ill just hang tight and wait for my first call hopefully this fall - no idea how long after that it take to get to the surgery time- but hey in the meantime-

I will get to hear about your fantastic stories! Thank you everyone!!
on 5/22/12 4:03 am - Ottawa, Canada
Chanelle go ahead and make the call. Ottawa wont say were you are on the list but they will say something like "we are now booking people that attended orientation in January for their Nurse/ dietitian/ behaviorist appoints for September".

Ottawa seems to have their own formula for deciding when you get surgery. Many people that had their orientation after me went for surgery before me and that was fine with me. 

Just hang tight and take this down time to do your research. Your time will arrive before you know it.

Good things come to those who wait...I know its an old cliche but its so very true. The wait time will be a distant memory once you have surgery and start living your new life. A year and a half or so is a very small price to pay for this phenomenal gift


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



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