Day 3 - 5 DPT

on 5/15/12 8:36 pm - Arnprior, Canada
 Hi Everyone!

Well, I made it through day 2, no cheating,  Although, it was tempting to, but I kept telling myself why I'm doing this, to get rid of those cravings.  A bit of greek yogurt cured my wanting to eat though.  Just wanted something that wasn't a protein shake.

Now I'm looking forward to eggs, and canned chicken today.

Hope everyone is doing well!



on 5/15/12 10:04 pm - Canada
Good for you Cathy. I also survived the second day. I wanted something with substance and texture so bad but stuck to it. Tuna and eggs don't really sit well with me so will opt for cottage cheese and yogurt. Gee I also want color on my plate. No whining, just stick to it. Have a good day!
(deactivated member)
on 5/15/12 10:18 pm
I made it through day two as well, though I really wanted "something" last night, but keeping to my no food with liquids is what keeps me on plan always. But it was tough when my husband left out his chocolate covered almonds that he always packs for his lunch. I just put the jar away and grabbed a cup of soup.

But does dreaming about ordering and starting to eat a tray of frosted cinnamon buns count as going off the 5DPT? I woke up when it was a danger of someone seeing me eat the cinnamon buns. I was a person who hid that I was eating food and I've never admitted that before.

I also found my 5DPT book and was happy to get some recipes.
on 5/15/12 10:25 pm - Canada
Nana, where can you get the book. I've rethought my meals for today since I've chosen are all sliders. Eggs and tuna do not sit well but will give them another try. Also will have some tilapia for supper.
on 5/15/12 10:48 pm - Arnprior, Canada
Not sure where she got the book, but there are some recipies on

I'm using canned chicken instead of canned tuna, it's what was in the house as I forgot I was out of tuna.

on 5/15/12 10:50 pm - Canada
Thanks Cathy, will take a lookmat the web site. I'm just basically keeping it simple today but will spike it up the next two days. Have a good day!
on 5/15/12 11:19 pm - Ottawa, Canada
 Thank dawd it's day three. Just having a hard boiled egg and I'm full on one little egg!! This was a fantastic idea Cathy, thanks for suggesting it lol


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



Karen M.
on 5/15/12 11:50 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Way to go to ALL of you! Yay!

On to Day 3, which is pretty much my favourite due to the fact that I always make egg bites. LOL
Sooooo.... menu for today looks like egg bite for snack, 2 for lunch, 1 for PM snack and tuna for dinner, coffee and a protein shake to start my day.  Going to make meatloaf tonight for tomorrow. Yummy!

Have a great day everyone!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/16/12 12:04 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hmm, that sounds yummy, I have some meat loaf muffins in the freezer, better remember to thaw them out.

Hmm, may have brought too much food today.  Didn't think I'd be saying that.  But glad to feel it.



on 5/16/12 12:35 am - Toronto, Canada
OK, I know you're six years you might have to think back a bit. When was the first time you did the 5DPT? I know we are all different, but at the moment I don't feel that I need to "test my pouch". However, I do know that I probably will need to in the future. Just wondering when most people find that it's time?

Again, I know everyone is really there probably isn't a good answer here, is there?

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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