5 Year Anniversay today

Linda G.
on 4/4/12 11:56 am - Burlington, Canada
I don't post often but today was 5 years to the day that I had my DS surgery done in Rochester.  It is sort of a bittersweet thing.  Yes I lost 160lbs., yes my diabetes is gone but due to complications I now live with chronic pain throughout my entire body, need a cane to walk, which I never needed pre-surgery, am on so many drugs for pain that although my sleep apnea is gone from the weight loss I still need my cpap machine at night because the pain meds surpress my breathing so much that I need oxygen when I sleep.

So, Happy Anniversary?  Not sure about that.  But it is an anniversary and I thought I would mark it on OH as this is the only group of people that would appreaciate the date. Guess I am just feeling a little down thinking about the past 5 years.   There have been many struggles.  It has not been what I thought losing 160lbs. would be. 

Enough!  Don't want to bring the evening down!  Onward and upward!

(deactivated member)
on 4/4/12 12:08 pm - Toronto, Canada
 wow, what a powerful post. Thanks for sharing this.  its important that people hear the full range of wls experiences. I'm sorry to hear about your complications.  You made the best choice for yourself at the time and while statistics exist for complication risks, no one ever knows if they will be the unlucky one in advance.  
I hope that you are living your best life possible with your health complications and have made peace with your decision to have wls.

on 4/4/12 1:02 pm - Niagara Falls, Canada
Congrats on the 5yrs. Hope the next 5 are better .

10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.

on 4/4/12 1:05 pm - Toronto, Canada
Thank you for sharing, I think it is good to know the good, the bad and the ugly.
"I used to be SnowWhite and then I drifted"
"words come easy behind the screen, when there is no interface-to-face to be seen"
on 4/4/12 2:59 pm - Toronto, Canada
Hi Linda,

Thanks for having the courage to post Linda.  It is good to see you.

While it is a bittersweet surgiversary, you went into surgery with all the hopes and dreams we all have. You are successful with weight loss unfortunately you ended up with other issues.
Is there anything the doctors can do for you to help you out?

I am truely sorry that you are in a tough place and I hope there are lots of things in your life that bring you happiness and smiles. Chronic pain is a beatch.


Highest W 312   Referral W 252   Surgery W 237   CW 156  Height 5'6"            


Lorraine M.
on 4/4/12 3:38 pm - Canada
 Hi Linda,

I am so sorry your WLS didnt  wind up the way you had hoped for. I also live with chronic pain (spine, sciatica, arthritis, used to have fibromyalgia but mysteriously went away) so I know what you are dealing with and walk with a cane too (I'm just 58 years old). I hate taking the oxycontin and when I run out will have to switch to something else.

I still think that you are a wonderful success. 160 lbs is fantastic. At least that is gone. And 5 years is a great milestone achievement.  Imagine if you had those other problems with the 160 on you? That would be way worse. You never know what might have happened if you were still carrying that weight.

Things can change. They have swung to the bad side for you lately but keep your spirits up and they can just as easily swing back for you. You never know. So you hang in there and be strong.


on 4/4/12 4:47 pm
Wow, congrats on the 160 lb loss. You mention "complications".  Are the complications due to your surgery or is this something that has appeared for another reason?

Monica M.
on 4/5/12 12:52 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
Linda, i'm sorry that you're struggling so much. I hope that things turn around for you.

Karen M.
on 4/5/12 1:42 am - Mississauga, Canada
 Be proud of what you have accomplished, Linda.  I'm sorry for your pain - here's hoping you'll find a solution.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Linda G.
on 4/5/12 3:38 am - Burlington, Canada
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and wishes. I am trying to live the best life I can given my limitations. I need to re-frame my life around what I can do vs. what I can't do.
JJ- you aked if the complications were due to the surgery....yes, there were leaks that needed to be repaired after the initial surgery. When they went in to repair the leaks I ended up on life support for 10/12 days and when I woke up I had this pain everywhere. I couldn't walk and even for doctors or anyone to touch me sent me through the ceiling. Drugs control some of the pain but not all of it.
It is the luck of the draw unfortuneatly. They tell you that there can be complications but you never think it will be you. I just happened to be in that 1% of those who may experience problems. But as I said, I just have to try and live the best life I can given the hand I've been dealt now!

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