What to eat....

on 2/26/12 10:18 pm - Arnprior, Canada
What does everyone eat post WLS when they aren't feeling well?

I had a bit of pain after eating on Friday (too much grease), then a lot of pain Saturday night after eating (way too much grease), Sunday I was throwing up...nothing really came out as I hadn't eaten, but when I did "throw up" I'd be burping away. After lunch time, i was able to lay down and sleep, and when I woke up I was feeling not too bad.  Managed to eat a tortia (the only bread I can take easily at any time), and this morning I had banana.  Tummy's still not feeling normal, but not sure what I can eat.  Trying to avoid dairy, as my tummy's not friendly with it.

Any suggestions?



on 2/26/12 10:23 pm - Canada
Gee, can't offer much advice cause I'm not there yet. However, I hope you feel your old self again soon. Take care.
Joyce J.
on 2/26/12 10:25 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Just give your body a bit of a break, make sure you get fluids in and eat when you are able. Maybe just some broth.

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Hanneli xoxo
on 2/26/12 10:25 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12
Not sure if you can take it post op but have you tried Zantac (rinitadine)? It always helps my tummy when I have pain from too much grease.. very quickly, too!

(deactivated member)
on 2/26/12 10:50 pm - Canada
If my stomach/pouch isnt agreeing with me, I stick with soft foods and fluids. Soup is always my go-to food when Im not feeling well.
on 2/27/12 12:52 am - Canada
Well I'm not a doctor, so my only advice is perhaps go back to the basics. Broth and soft food. If this continues I'd seek a professional opinion though. I know i'm down with a nasty cold, but there are different things going around where I live. Colds, flu and stomach virus.  Stay hydrated!!!!!!!
on 2/27/12 1:46 am - Canada
I just went through the same thing, although I think I got a bug rather than "grease disease", lol.  My logic was keep it liquid, keep getting the protein, and take it slow.  my NUT confirmed that this was a reasonable approach.

My solution was a week of jello, protein shakes watered down, baked egg custard (eggs + lactose free milk + splenda), roasted unsalted soy nuts eaten very slowly, rice or corn cakes, and small pieces of power bars that have no sugar alcohols (The Simply Bar).  Plus lots of mint tea.

My tummy is managing fine now, but I'm still pretty gassy for the first time in over a year.

Marny B.
on 2/27/12 6:58 am - Canada
Maybe others have had different experiences, but with me, if I eat something that doesn't agree with me, my tummy doesn't react more than a couple of hours.  After that, I am usually okay.  Maybe like another poster, you may have a bit of a virus.  If this becomes a pattern of pain after eating, though, I would look into it. 

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


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