Surgiversary - a year in review (long)

Mike Terry
on 11/24/11 10:56 pm - Staffa, Canada
       Being a American, American Thanksgiving is a big deal for me. It was fitting that I had my weight loss surgery  the day after Thanksgiving last year. On a night where I would usually be in a turkey induced coma, I was up all night doing the pre-surgery anxiety dance! Turns out it was the Thanksgiving I have had the most to be thankful for!!

       Since that night, I have had many scale and non scale victories, my life changed forever. Here are the ones that stick in my head.

1. I have literally become half the man I use to be. My highest weight was 440 and my lowest was 218.

2. Battled body dsymorphia, to this day I have to convince myself that I can sit in booths!!

3. Took my little girl to Disney World, walked all the parks for 3 days without any fatigue. I lost 8 pounds while on vacation, a first. No seat belt extender on the flight.

4. Met my pre surgery physical goal of riding my bike into town to make my Pro Line lottery picks. 20 kilometers total. I bike farther than that some days, I literally have to make myself turn around some days so I can get home before the sun goes down!! I love it!

5. When I went to Kansas City this summer, I went to my old work place, and some people that I worked with for 10 plus years, did not recognize me!!

6. Had to convince a border guard that I was the same person on my passport!!

7. Went from taking 7 medication down to 2. Will always have to take my thyroid medicine, but not too sure anymore about my high blood pressure pill.

8 Stop using my c-pap after 12 plus years. Wife says I don't  even snore.

9. Went to my 25 year class reunion weighing less than I did when I was in high school.

10. went from a 7x top, 4x bottom to XL clothes I can buy off the rack, and in some cases larges.

11. Gave away all my clothes. My only keepsake is a doctor's note that I keep in my wallet that says that I am too fat to wear a seat belt!

12. Had ventral hernia repair surgery last month, to fix a basketball size burden that I have been carrying around 10 plus years!!

13. Had to actually gain a few pounds in preparation for my surgery. My surgeon actually said I was starting to look petite.

14. I am a better father and husband. I plan on being around a lot longer than I would be otherwise!!

15. I am not afraid to fail anymore!!! This is huge for me, my surgery helped me repair something emotionally inside me. This to me was the biggest reward!

   In all just way too many things to be thankful for, I know in 30 minutes I will be able to think of 15 more things that I excluded.

on 11/24/11 11:25 pm - Ottawa, ON, Canada
Happy anniversary!  What a remarkable list;  as you say,this is only the beginning of the list!

I love number 7!

Way to go!  Such significant accomplishments!


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 11/24/11 11:25 pm - Bolton, Canada
Way to go.  You rock!
on 11/24/11 11:34 pm - Oshawa Ontario, Canada
Congrats to you on the amazing post surgery year that you've had!! Way to go!!!

Referral August 18th 2011               Orientation Dec 7th 2011
SW Jan 12 2012                                  Nurse Jan 12 2012
Nut. Class Feb 8th 2012                  Psych  May 16th 2012
Dietician May 16th 2012                   Meet The Surgeon Sept 21 2012
PATTS: November 19th 2012           Surgery: November 29th 2012

My Angel is: Brenda T. 


on 11/24/11 11:40 pm - Harriston, Canada
  What a great post!  Thanks for sharing the list.
on 11/24/11 11:41 pm - North Bay, Canada
Very inspirational post!  Thanks for sharing!  It really is an amazing gift to get our life back.  Way to go!!!
Referral - Sept.23.2010, Orientation - June 8.2010, Nurse&S.W. -  July 28.2011, Nutrition Class -    Aug.2.2011, Nutritionist -  Sept.13.2011, Psych - Sept.15.2011, Surgeon -  Oct.21.2011, Surgery - November 1, 2011.                        
Robin H.
on 11/24/11 11:42 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
That is awsome thanks for posting as i am only 2 weeks away from surgery it is so reasuring to read this

Thanks for sharing
on 11/24/11 11:55 pm - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Mike, what a journey!!  You have so much to be thankful for, and proud of.  What a great accomplishment!!

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




on 11/24/11 11:59 pm
Great Job,

#11 made me tear up, great keepsake, I would get it laminated to keep it forever.

You are inspiring!
on 11/25/11 12:03 am

HI Mike,
Sounds like you have had a true transformation: mind, body and soul.
You truly are an inspiration to us all.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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