pain on left side

Wendy E.
on 11/3/11 11:28 pm - Gananoque, Canada
I had rny 6 months ago. I am having pain on my left side,at times making me feel sick to my stomach. It kind of has a burning feeling as well. Any ideas?

Wendy E
Monica M.
on 11/3/11 11:39 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
see a doctor. People should not be posting asking for medical advice on this forum.
on 11/4/11 12:01 am
There are lots of things it could be, it could be an ulcer or pain radiating from the gallbladder, or it could just be a pulled muscle, it's too hard to know. They will probably have to do a physical exam and maybe an ultrasound and a scope to figure it out. Write down details about your symptoms, like whether it only happens after you eat, or in the middle of the night and describe the type of pain. The more detail, the better for the doctor to diagnose. Start with your family doc, but if you get a fever or if the pain becomes unbearable, go to an ER.
on 11/4/11 12:05 am - Canada
I think people know they can't count on us for medical advice.. I think it's more of a :I have this have you ever had it?" question
 A way to discuss it and see if anyone else had that symptom so as to either alleviate some fear if it's been had by others etc... I don't think she would go just by what we tell her it could be on here and leave it at that.
I see many people post about symptoms/pains they have on another WLS board I belong to.
Wendy E.
on 11/4/11 1:41 am - Gananoque, Canada
You are so right Ruby! I am not looking for a diagnosis on here. I know I need to see my Dr. But in the mean time I can ask on here if anyone has had the same symtoms. Thanks to those that gave some input as what it COULD be.
Monica M.
on 11/4/11 1:55 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
sorry..still have snarkiness from yesterday left over.. I'm trying to be better.
Brenda T.
on 11/4/11 7:17 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Mon needs a day at the spa. lol

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 11/4/11 7:59 am - Canada
We all have those days Monica
on 11/4/11 9:43 am - Niagara Falls, Canada
Hi there, just wanted to let you know, I've had the same pain myself.  It happened a few times before but I just figured it was maybe something I ate.  So I was trying to keep an eye on it.  Then on Thanksgiving when I woke up in the morning I ate a banana(something I eat everyday) and shortly after the pain kicked in mildly.  At first I thought it was the food again but throughout the day the pain was getting worse and worse.  I was barely eating or drinking anything at this point so after dinner I snuck off to my room to lay down and found that laying down seemed to have relieved the sharp pains.  I got up when my mother came looking for me.  I decided to serve up the dessert and then go to the ER.  I spent over 3hrs in the ER waiting room and by this time was in tears from the pain.  They took bloodwork right away and I sat and waited and waited and waited some more.  Then I decided I might as well go home and lay down for the night.  Anyway, this is turning into a long story, sorry.  My bloodwork didn't show anything out of the ordinary, I had no fever so I knew there was no infection.  In the morning I was fine.  I decided to contact my Family Doctor.  He ordered an US and UGI tests.  I got the results back and my doctor explained to me that the pain I was getting could have been from the 3.5mm gallstone that I have.  So now I have an appt with a specialist on Nov. 29 to see what my options are.  In the meantime, I just have to bear down and get through it if it happens again. 

So this is my story of the pain on MY left side.  Hopefully you can see that it might not be too bad.  ( I think anyway)  I still have my gallbladder so I was expecting it to have something to do with that.  I am also 1yr out from my surgery and am down 150LBS.  Just to give you an idea, I guess.  Good luck and hopefully it won't be long before you know whats going on for yourself.
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