really slipped back :(

Miss Belody
on 5/30/11 3:04 pm - Keswick, Canada
Okay, looking for some major support!  I have had some really rough weeks the last month and have slipped in my eating and the fact that I would have been smoke free for 2 years on Wednesday and had a few days over just the last week where I have been smoking.  I know this is wrong and I don't need to be told that, I just need the support to get back on track.  Today is the 31st and I am hell bent on getting back to basics and not smoking again.  I was running up until a month ago when the doctor put me on Bu-Trans for pain in my back, I was told to stop running until symptoms problem until my bipolar kicked in and I went into a major depressive episode!  Then all hell broke loose and I started to eat crap, I started smoking to give myself a crutch in something other than food (but then didn't stop eating the crap).  I feel like such a failure, I have gained weight, but I will if I keep at this and I know I won't be able to start running again with the smoking...............please, any kind words and encouragement would help!!! Website  Current Weight 137, 13 pounds below Target

tricia lynch
on 5/30/11 3:49 pm - thorold, Canada
All i can say is don't get down on yourself stay possitive.. it is only human to have slip ups.. just try to get back to the place where you were before the slip up remember you have made this huge life change to better yourself and to become healthier..dont beat yourself up just take it as a lesson learn. join a support group in your area. If yiour not already a part of one. pick yourself up look into your mirrow and tell yourself your a beautiful person and you will make the changes you need to do
on 5/30/11 8:11 pm, edited 5/30/11 8:12 pm - Port Rowan, Canada
You have been so successful in your journey that you already know exactly what you're doing wrong and how to fix it.  The part that you need to be reminded of is that you are human, and all of us need to be allowed to make mistakes sometimes...but learn from it and move past it.  Dust yourself off, and fix the problem.  Get rid of the cigarettes, you don't need them, you know that...two years is a wonderful accomplishment!  (I know quitting smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done.)  You haven't failed, you have merely slipped.  You can look back someday and say I had a minor slip up in May of 2011, but I didn't let it beat me.  You have been so inspiring to so many people, it is only natural to need to be inspired yourself sometimes.  You have done such a phenomenal job, I haven't got a doubt in my mind that you will overcome this too!


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
on 5/30/11 10:19 pm, edited 5/30/11 10:22 pm - Windsor, Canada
First of all you are not alone. I had quit smoking for 3 years and then started again when I was extremely stressed out. I had told myself I'd just have one, that was my mistake, having one lol. I've been trying to quit and asked my Dr to go back on Champix which helped me quit before but she won't let me yet, I've had some health problems she wants me to fix first.

I was so stupid, I could have quit right away after restarting but in the first 2 weeks of smoking again I lost 10lbs and knew it was cuz I had replaced eating with smoking. That is a poor excuse but it kept me smoking, hoping to lose more. Lately though my eating habits have gone downhill huge. I still haven't gained weight but I am still 7 pounds from goal and would love to reach it even though I feel good at my present weight. I know it's only a matter of time though before the gain occurs if I keep this up.

Stress eating for me is not good, I end up getting junk from the corner store at night and pigging out on stuff that is really not good for me at all. This is another reason my health is affected right now so I know I need to stop.

I have started to track my food again, that is one thing that has always helped me. Don't try to quit everything at once. If you stop eating the crap first then once you have a handle on it you can work on quitting smoking. If you need to, hook up with someone you can talk to for support when you feel yourself slipping. It's never easy but if you are determined enough you can get back on track. Try to make yourself accountable to someone else if that helps too. I find if I am trying to get on track and having a hard time that someone helping me out or reporting to someone what my actions are really helps me to curb my cravings, as long as I am honest about it lol.

Everyone slips up, everyone, so don't get discouraged, just get yourself a plan and support and stick to it
  Gina Musselman-Hill's Facebook profile

  Click here to read my WLS journal  

Karen M.
on 5/30/11 10:37 pm - Mississauga, Canada
I really feel for you Sarah. It sounds like you've been going through a really rough patch.  Been there.  You hang in there, sweetie. I'm thinking of you. xo



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/30/11 11:58 pm
First i would like to thank you for being honest.  My dad just died and I want a smoke so bad (almost 5 years smoke free), I swear half the people that came smoked, it was all over, people walking out with their packs, I didn't, but now I sit home one more day to regroup and I so want to go to the store. 
So thank you, having you and Wild post, makes me realize that I don't want to post the same thing next week. 
I have been stress eatting, but I am trying to at least make healthier choices and really small portions so I have to think about gettin up and getting more everytime.  I also have been eatting far to many Oh Yeah bars to get my chocolate in, better then a chcocolate bar, with the protein, and I cut them in half so I have to get up for the other half.  I am still eatting to many, but on top of everything it is that time of the month.  Just somethings I do to kind of help my bad habits.  They sneak up on you and in reality I should find better outlets, like exercise, but......we are just human and all have set backs. 
If you can't run anymore (so admire you for running), what about swimming? As far as being a failure ..........NOT!!!!!!!! 
You know what you have to do, you have done it and you can do it!!!!!!! So throw out something either junk food or smokes, right now and start right now, find that strenght that you have (Iknow you do, you have done it before) and take a breath and GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!  Look in the mirror, how fabulous you look and then at older pics for motivation.  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! 

Take Care of You

on 5/31/11 12:13 am - Ottawa, Canada
You would only be a failure if you didn't pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back on track.  You should be congratulating yourself for working on getting back on track.

Seriously, if your best friend came up to you and told you this story, would you berate her and beat her up?  No, you would tell her what we are all telling you.

"We have to be your own best friends because if not we'll become our own worst enemy."

Have a great day!!

(P.S. If it seems overwhelming, just start by changing one thing at a time)

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
on 5/31/11 12:15 am
Hey Sarah,

Sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch.  I think that we all do eventually, being human and all.  I hear you on the smoking, I've been quit for almost 4 years and could have killed for one when I was down south a couple of weeks ago.  I kept saying that that was the most intestinal fortitude (balls) that I have ever had to muster up.  I still want one, but a little less every day. 

I'm thinking that if you quit asap, it will be easier on your body (not easy, it never is), than a month from now when your body is REALLY addicted.  I guess IMHO I would quit smoking first, then try to get back on track with your eating and exercising habits.  Maybe in the mean time, anytime you want to snack on something, have protein treats handy.  Hopefully something that you love, that is handy like a pepperette or cheese string and is pretty darn good for you.  I think your tool will get you back on track eventually.

Hugs and let us know how you're doing!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 5/31/11 1:32 am - Canada
I think Lisa's point is a really good one.  A crisis is a crisis, and urges are especially hard to resist then.  Under these cir****tances one step at a time back into plan is a very reasonable approach, and a target for when you want to tackle the second step will help keep you on track.  As the long term benchers seem to say, the easy part is taking it off, but it's staying there that's really tough .  You're obviously not alone; but you've proven you can do it once, and it seems reasonable that can do it again given the keen awareness you have!  Good luck with your turn-around.
on 5/31/11 5:58 am - Canada
Ok you can do it and I know you can get back on track. believe in yourself. I know how hard it is to give up smoking but if you want to run you know you have to give it up. Think of your goal. Doing around the Bay race. Use that to help you get back on track. I will help you if you want it. We can do the bay race together if that will help. I am planning on it and be glad to have you beside me. I think once you get back into running than your eating habits will change also. If you need to talk send private message and I could call you. I am here for you. You can do it. Believe in yourself
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