Thanks to the Peterborough support group!

Leslie W.
on 5/17/11 1:09 pm - Cobourg, Canada
It was great meeting everyone tonight at the Peterborough support group at the mall. Everyone is so supportive on this great journey, I know that I will make it and be successful.

Thanks again! Leslie
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 5/17/11 1:14 pm - Peterborough, On, Canada
Sorry I missed meeting you tonight had to work :( 
You will be a success, besides you have us all to help and support you.
You pic is that your dog?  I have two huskies.

Talk soon


HW - 315, Optifast SW - 291, CW 173.4 Total Weight Loss 141.6  lbs

on 5/17/11 1:39 pm - Ontario , Canada
Leslie W.
on 5/18/11 8:49 am - Cobourg, Canada

Thanks, Just one of my beasties. Have 3 Alaskan Malamutes. Not brave enough yet to put my pic up

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 5/17/11 1:22 pm - Canada
 Leslie it was great meeting you and Ted tonight.....anytime you want company going to a meeting give me a call. If I can help in any way along your journey don't hesitate to contact me. Wishing you all the best in your are going to do fantastic!! 


And thanks for the ride!!! 
  Cheryl M is my   aka...chermull6

on 5/17/11 1:44 pm - Ontario , Canada
Welcome Leslie!!   You are going to do great....with your knowledge, and an awesome support group (insert shameless plug here) you will be a Rock Star!!!  

So lovley to meet you both, and look forward to seeing you again.


Cheryl...missed your beautiful face tonite! 

on 5/18/11 1:13 am - Toronto, Canada
So sorry I couldnt make it out to meet you both tonight ..I am still unable to sit for long after my recent total knee replacement ...our peterborough group is amazing ...I am so thrilled to have you join us . See you at a meet up soon .
Feel free to add me as a OH friend ..or f/book friend .
Good luck on your WLS journey ..this is the best gift you will ever give yourself .
Linda xx
(PTBO group leader ) xxx
Patricia R.
on 5/19/11 12:56 pm - Canada
Hey Leslie, it was great meeting you too!!!  Now you have a "waiting buddy" I'm in the queue too!!!  I agree.....we sure have one great group of people on our side!!!!!!   
Leslie W.
on 5/20/11 7:42 am - Cobourg, Canada
Thanks! the weight is the killer. Started to see a dietician you should see the food she wants me to eat! Never eat this much. Granted it is healthy stuff but really. Will give it a good try though.
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 5/19/11 1:09 pm - Ontario , Canada
Big love to you all!!!  

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