My Preop appointments last Wednesday

on 4/26/11 5:04 am - Kingston, ON, Canada
 Everyone was very nice.  It was a lot of sitting around waiting.  They seem to tag-team you at St. Joe's.  One of the nurses in Toronto knew the very first nurse who administered my chemotherapy treatment in Kingston back in 2009!  Small world.
I was very anxious, was worried about future tests that I was going to have to be referred to do.  I am not good with intrusive tests, probably a fear that was a result of my cancer days.  Anyhow, I had my ECG done = normal, blood pressure = normal, lungs = normal, everything was great.  
With every person coming in & checking on me, I kept waiting for the ball to drop that I have to have tests done.  I snore, does that mean I have to have the sleep study done??  Do I have to have a scope because I am a difficult intibation and I choke on my saliva (and other liquids) a lot?  As everyone came and went, no one was telling me much.  So I finally asked  my (very hot looking) internist & he said that I don't need anything done, my medical history is pretty unremarkable except for the cancer.  He said I don't need anything else done, mentioned something about the fact that I was on the smaller side of people needing this surgery.  Was feeling pretty good at that my head I was saying yeah, I am the smallest fat person & started laughing.
Then the anastaesia doctor came in (female) and we had a lengthy discussion as to why I was there.  I had to almost prove why I was having the surgery.  She was saying, you don't need this, you aren't big, etc etc & when I explained about cancer recurrence for obese people she finally understood.  We joked & I said I will leave here with a big head from the way she was talking to me....then I threw out...I've always been big, from my head to my cankles!!!  I just don't have 1 problem area, mine is all over!!!  Ha ha!  Needless to say, it was the first time in a long time that I had felt confident about my body!  It was a great day overall!!!
Oh, there was a crazy (and lonely) guy in the hall by the rooms you have to sit & wait in by yourself.  He had to sit in the hall and chat with everyone that walked by, saying the same things over and over.  Interrupting nurses trying to do their job all because he couldn't stay in the room!  Every time they opened the door to my room while waiting for the next person, I would hide from him.  I didn't want to be involved with it.  Was very funny, you could hear him through the walls!  Something to make you smile while you are stuck in the room!
Referral sent by my Dr Feb 2010... 1st Seminar Dec 20/10.... Met Dr. Jan 13/11.... Gastric Bypass Class Jan 13/11.... SW appt Feb 9/11... NUT appt Feb 9/11... 2nd Dr. appt Feb 24/11...PreOp appt Apr 20/11....Optifast Apr 26/11...2nd PreOp (with my family Doctor) May 9/11...SURGERY MAY 17/11!!!  
on 4/26/11 5:32 am - Canada
Sounds like a nice visit overall.

Just a word of caution, you might inquire about a sleep study to rule out Sleep Apnea j ust in case, because you snore. Would hate to see you go thru all the appointments only to find out in the end they want a sleep study done. It has been an issue with a few on the boards.

Better to head it off at the start.

congratulations on kicking cancer.

on 4/26/11 6:01 am
I had to deal with that "your not fat enough" remarks from a doctor and some people here and at support groups. Makes it harder. I had serious co-morbidities that are not the common ones, like diabetes and sleep apnea. Stick to your guns. The surgery has made a world of difference for me and I don't have to worry about ongoing serious health problems.

The scope is not as bad as being intubated, I requested to be knocked out- much nicer. Testing is important to cut operative risks.
BMI 36 with co-morbiditites : Hypertension  GERD    HW-240,
Orientation weight 230, SW 213, CW- 162 

Help a great kid.

Migraine sufferer - see my blog for help getting VSG
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