6 Years!!!

Mr. Jim P.
on 8/10/11 3:54 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Six years out, still within 50 pounds of my lowest!!!  WOOHOOO!!!!
on 8/11/11 1:30 pm - Willingboro, NJ
 Congratulations both on your weight loss and on your positive attitude.  I started out as super morbidly obese at over 570 lbs.  I knew when I had my RNY that my goal weight would be higher than most people's starting weight.  But, I knew that I needed the surgery.

It's good to concentrate on how much weight you have lost.  It's tempting to compare ourselves to others but our individual weight loss journeys are different.  I wish that all of the heavier men will take encouragement from your success.
on 8/14/11 2:10 pm, edited 8/14/11 2:11 pm - Garland, TX
 Congrats, Jim ..  

   I wish, unlike you, I could look at it (i.e. my 50 lb. regain) in a postive light, like that ..  On the contrary, I've been crying in my beer all week ..  This past Friday was my 5-year surgiversary  and I'm hating myself for BEING 50+ lbs. above my lowest  post-op weight..      I feel like a total failure with my surgery, esp. since I never lost the last 50 lbs. I wanted to ..  (= I'm 100 lbs. over goal now) .  They have greeted my return with, "LTNS!" at the Big & Tall  $$ shop and I'm "back in black", despite the record hot summer.   

  People say to me, "oh, but aren't you glad you're healthy now w/o diabetes and high blood lipids anymore?"  ..   True, but that just means I 'll live even longer in my super-sized, solo misery now ..  thanks ..  

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "

HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )

Dave T.
on 8/14/11 2:48 pm - MN
Congrats Jim on your continues success!
Michael P.
on 8/15/11 3:03 am
Good to hear Jim!  Great to hear stories like this.  I am one of the big guys and have struggled through July but am still trending downward.  I know that this is a life long journey but know that I can continue to lose and get to where I want to be!!  Thanks for the post!

9/9/09: Highest Weight: 506.5 lbs              9/20/10:  Tufts Start Weight: 492.4 lbs
2/7/11:  Surgery Wt: 462.5 lbs.                  9/16/12: Current Weight: 287.8 lbs.
4/15/12:  First 5K - BAA 5K - PR 35:49
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