CPAP study last night...miserable

on 1/30/07 10:19 pm
I had my CPAP sleep study last night. It was the most miserable night of sleep I ever had. My mouth and sinuses are so dried out. I also felt so clostrophobic wearing the mask. I've had several broken noses in the past from sports, which have left me with some serious sinus problems making me a mouth-breather. I was forced to wear the full face mask. I don't know how the nightly wearers of that thing do it. I guess I have to try and make it work. Of course, the only reason I'm following through on the sleep apnea thing is to qualify for the lap band since my BMI is "only" 38. If I hadn't decided to pursue the lap band, I would probably have kept on "happily" sleeping on the couch serenading no one but my dog (unlike my wife, he doesn't seem to mind my snoring.) I was at work yesterday and Barix called around 9:00 am to say they had a cancelation and offered a 10:30 am appointment to me for my initial consultation. It killed me to have to say no. Hopefully I'll get another call soon with perhaps a little more notice. Have a great day my brothers. Sonny
on 1/31/07 12:44 am
Those sleep studys are a ***** I don't know how they expect to replicate your normal sleeping conditions with all those wires. The good news is that no matter what happens its good to know if you have apnea. I have it and the CPAP gives me a lot more energy, and lets my wife sleep. Also a guy that lives in my neighborhood died during the night because of sleep apnea, No B.S. And the guy was around 40 years old. Anyway Sonny. good luck reaching your goals. Did you get paid a lot for that diet ad in your profile? That was quite a physique you had going on there.
on 1/31/07 1:13 am
I was able to buy a new motorcycle with the money they paid me. So it was certainly worth it. But to tell you the truth, feeling that lean was the real pay-off. I was ripped like shredded wheat. I dieted like a Spartan and ran my ass off (literally!!!) That physique is still underneath...I know it. I think its the comparison of how I feel now to how I felt then that has me so obsessed with this strategy. That physique just has a thick layer of marshmallow-like adipose covering it. I'm 47 now and the ad ran in 1998 I think. Though I still lift a couple of times a week and play hoops 2 or 3 times a week, my weight continues to rise and seems to be affecting me more and more. I have more general huffing and puffing and my joints are getting achy. I know I've "logged alot of miles" over the years, but my weight is definately a factor too. Food intake is my problem. I need WLS or one of two things will happen. I will either truly get motivated again and lose weight lowering my BMI to where I no longer qualify for surgery.....then regain the weight....... OR ....I will just keep getting bigger til my obesity affects health more. Wish me luck, please. Sonny
on 1/31/07 5:16 am - Mint Hill, NC
Sonny, I had the same problem with the dryness. I told my Doctor about and he wrote a script for a CPAP with a built in humidifier and it works wonders. I highly recommend the CPAP for sleep apnea. The first night I slept with one I came home and told my wife I felt 10 years younger, she told me I actually looked better without the bags under my eyes. drjco
Bobby C.
on 1/31/07 10:41 am - Charlotte, NC wife told me I looked better with the CPAP on. As far as the full mask? Never could stand it. Came from years in the Navy having to wear OAB's for hours. I use the nasal pillows now and have no problems. I do have a humidifier for winter when the air is more dry. - Bobby
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