Tummy woke me up again

on 9/30/14 8:02 pm - Troy, MO

I am almost 4 years out from Realize band surgery.  The band has gotten me to goal as I have posted before but the past 15 months have not been the best. 

   Since July of last year I had increased vomiting and getting food stuck.  I have had fluid removed slowly from July '13 to Jan '14.  In Feb '14 surgeon removed all the fluid as I was still having trouble keeping food and fluids down.  Mind you I spent all this time eating mushies and not keeping them down.  Once all the fluid was removed we discovered I had a huge ulcer where the band sits.  I spent a day in the hospital had an EGD and was rehydrated in Feb.  I had to wait 8 weeks before I could get 1 cc placed in my band then another 6 weeks for another 2 cc now since 5 weeks ago I am back to my original fill of 7.3cc before I was "refilled "I gained 40 pounds since April 2014.  I have not lost any weight despite the fills and behaving my self.  I am now 166 and in Feb I was 144. 

  Since this last fill I have reverted back to mushies, as I cannot keep solid foods down again.  The last 4 days I have not been able to keep some liquids down they get "stuck" too I am waiting 30 min after and before I eat to drink etc and trying to get my proteins in first and so on.  I have an appt with my surgeon on 10/14 but I think I am going to call him today to move it up, to discuss revision to sleeve. 

  I am not sure if my band is "working any longer."  "Or if I failed myself"  I think I have another ulcer starting because when he filled me 5 weeks ago he removed most of the fluid to make sure I still had the same amount of fluid that he had put in before.  I had some pain that resembled the pain I had when he completely emptied me in Feb, which sent me to the ER in the first place.  I didn't say anything because it was just a twinge of that feeling ,and it only lasted less than a second as he put the fluid back in, then added more after he had measured what was already in the band to make sure I did not have a leak.  Now since my tummy is waking me up.  I am almost for sure I may have another ulcer.  So I guess this is the time to nip this in the bud and discuss revision, as I have already met my deductible, and my place of employment just got bought by another company, and I am not sure what the health insurance will cover in Jan due to the change. 

Any suggestions???

Am I right for thinking I need a revision or am I jumping the gun, and will this meet my medically necessity criteria? 

Any advice would be extremely helpful thanks.



When I grow up I wanna be Skinny!!!

Nic M
on 10/1/14 1:36 am

You certainly haven't failed yourself. 

Everything you've described I've heard hundreds of times from other people. I went through it myself. I developed multiple ulcers while banded, as well as gastritis, diverticulitis, a hiatal hernia, esophageal issues.... the band can cause a lot of damage. I'm very sorry you're experiencing these issues. I understand how painful and distressing they can be. 


You're not jumping the gun for thinking of band removal and/or revision, in my opinion.  Make sure you and your doctor document every single problem to help meet the medical necessity criteria for your insurance company. My doctor simply said, "This patient needs the band taken out or she will die" and my insurance covered removal. I opted not to have a revision due to the amount of damage done. You may need to wait and see if you're eligible for revision, depending on how much damage your body has sustained. Also, some insurance companies are being real sticklers about paying for a second surgery, so you may have to really fight for what you want. (I hate that part. It bites.) Especially if your company is changing health insurance plans. I'd call as soon as possible and find out if bariatrics are covered or not. 

Best of luck to you. I hope you feel much better soon and everything goes well. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 10/2/14 11:12 am - Troy, MO

I called my surgeons office moved my appointment to this Tuesday coming up.  My surgeon has been the only doc that has been treating all my symptoms so he has a chart on me and I have only gone to that hospital if I have a problem with my band.  I pray I don't have to wait for the revision I hope if I can get approval he does all this at once knowing that my insurance may change he may try to expedite this for me.  According to the barium swallows and EGD I have of course the ulcer/ ulcers and I have a tiny slip that is not a great concern at this time according to Doc.  I had this even when my band was completely emptied.   Thanks for the well wishes.  Will keep you posted.




When I grow up I wanna be Skinny!!!

Kate -True Brit
on 10/1/14 4:07 pm - UK

As Nic says, there is no way you should be feeling you have failed. I am sorry this has happened to you. I can't really offer advice as I have no personal experience and no medical training but it does sound as if it may be time to move on to a revision.

my very best wishes. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 10/2/14 11:21 am - Troy, MO

I am very glad you have not experienced these problems I would not wish this on anyone.  I am trying hard to get past the blame game but it seems every time I go to my Doc the nut keeps telling me the band rules and giving me information on what not to eat and what to eat etc.  I politely take the information then spend the rest of the time waiting for Doc to come in convincing myself that I should behave and be more stricter on myself as I have put myself in this situation.  Doc tells me not to blame myself that this does happen it is a shame it is happening.  I try to avoid the nut by checking the box that I do not have questions for the nut but she still comes in since I have gained weight and having trouble.  thanks for the well wishes and will keep you posted




When I grow up I wanna be Skinny!!!

Kate -True Brit
on 10/2/14 4:16 pm - UK

Nuts like that annoy me beyond belief.  There are without any doubt some people who abuse their band, don't follow band guidelines. But I really don't see how any experienced bariatric professional can simply "blame the patient". You are a nicer person than I am! I would be telling her what I thought of her advice! 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 10/7/14 11:55 am - Troy, MO

Well I went to my Doc today.  Spoke to him about my concerns.  He said the only way my insurance will cover the revision will be if my band had a mechanical problem.  I spoke in depth with him about my concerns about not losing any weight since Feb.  He and I went through my chart he stated I have lost about  6 pounds since then. He also stated people with your beginning BMI have on average lost only 50-70 pounds you have lost over 100 pounds I know you are following the rules you would not have lost that much weight without following the rules.  this is just a small set back that you had not expected you can get over this set back and lose the extra pounds you have gained according to his chart I gained 20 pounds.  He encouraged me that it is not unusual to not lose weight as fast as you did at first.  Just focus on the scales moving in the right direction and it is not your fault that you are not losing weight as fast as you would like.  He took 0.5 cc out of my band put me on a liquid diet today mushies tomorrow and then solids on Thursday then call him on Friday to report.  I really think he put me in a different frame of mind.  I know I can lose 20 pounds but I want to get to 130 again.  He said just focus on the 20 then set your mind on the extra 10 that you want to lose.  He said the band is not failing you we just got you too tight so we back up then will look at it in 4 weeks.  I did feel better when I left the office today even though I was in tears due to total frustration.  I guess I need to just get my head out of the woe is me frame and start bucking up.  Thanks for the responses and encouragement.  Oh by the way the Nut did not give me information about how to eat and what not to eat.  I told her I am following the rules and YES I do cheat but who doesn't.  then When I left Doc was talking to the nut stating that is one of my most compliant pt I have, she is just frustrated.  I am glad you did not talk to her about her slow weight loss!  I left with a smile on my face and tears on my cheeks.  Now maybe the Nut will leave me alone now. 



When I grow up I wanna be Skinny!!!

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