
on 5/4/12 4:02 am
 Got in first thing this am for a 1.00cc unfil (I only had 4.5cc total).  I have been getting prgressively tighter for the past month.  Not sure if it was the change of season or hormone or what.  But I had gotten to the point wear I really couldn't eat more than 1 oz of solid protein without sliming (so attractive).  Was eating sliders instead..soup, chili, cookies, chocolate and had gained some weight.  

I feel so much better.  I'm also on prilosec for a month and will go back for a recheck in 2 weeks.  If it's not better they'll scope me.  They can do it in the office...anyone do that?  How does that work...sounds kinda ...scary?  Can anyone tell me?

on 5/4/12 8:13 am
Whew, I'm glad you got relief!
on 5/4/12 9:52 am - Vancouver, WA

I see you are a bit over 2 years out and that's when my band started tightening for no apparent reason. I'd get a partial unfill, then it'd tighten again, another partial unfill, then tight again, so I finally ended up with a complete unfill. Not trying to scare you but it has happened to quite a few others so just be aware and make sure it doesn't stay too tight. I hope your's is just a case of needing a tiny unfill and then it's all better.

on 5/4/12 10:08 am
 I hope so too.

I guess we'll see..


on 5/4/12 12:46 pm - Oceanside, NY
 I was banded over 2 yrs ago. This past november i had a issue being too tight.. I had reflux, night coughing. couldn't eat or drink. They took 2.75 out. Instant refief. INo reason out of blue i got tight. Anyway the did a ugi and found out i was so tight and pouch was a little out of wack. Anyway they made me wait 6 weeks for another ugi and 10 weeks for a fill. They put 2cc in and still fine. Now i am at a platau but can eat.I lost 2 lbs this past mo and doc wanted to put more i said no cause i am afarid as well as i am not hungry and stay full for 4 hrs.
hope this helps 

on 5/4/12 11:53 pm - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Glad you feel better. I got a total unfill (had 3cc) three weeks ago, and feel 100% better and lost 3.6 pounds this past week. Because I let mine go on for quite a while we are going to wait another 2 months before refilling. I have several inflammatory conditions that my pain doc suspects may be one culprit in me doing this.

Getting scoped is easy. You go to semi lala land and they do their thing, tell you what they saw and give you a pic. You rest that day and that's it.

Good luck


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Guernica Loser
on 5/6/12 3:52 pm
 Hi Sue,
So good to see you.  My band is more fickle than the norm due to the inflammation issues, so I keep it less filled and it really has helped.  But every day is different and i never know if I will have to have ground turkey or if I can eat sold protein.  I usually know by the afternoon, so mornings are a shake and cottage cheese.  Then I try a solid by lunch.  I know within a couple minutes what kind of day it is.  Crazy, huh?
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
Guernica Loser
on 5/6/12 3:49 pm
 I really hope this unfill solves things and that nothing is wrong.  I'm not sure I'd want to be scoped in the office without sedation.  I've had it done many times due to my illness and never once would I do it without being out.  I'm a gagger and a fighter LOL
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
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