
on 2/4/12 1:24 am - Oceanside, NY
 So next week i will be at my second bandaversary.  I have 30 lbs to go. I was hoping to be at goal not maintaining (as dr says i am).
I had some issues recently with my band having it come over the sides. 6 weeks ago he took 2.75 out cause i had reflux vomiting and night coughing.All of the sympoms are gone immediatly.   Took another ugi and band was almost perfect.   Went yesterday all ready for a fill to start loosing. Pa said it is a 10 week process come back in 4 weeks and he will slowly put some back in. 
I gained 2 lbs in 6 weeks. Yes i am eating more cause i am hungry. 
To top things off on New Years day I dislocated  my shoulder so no weight training no trainer just walking and treadmill. 
Is my body trying to tell me something??
So positives are i only gained two lbs., as you can see by my avitar I am  staying a size 12. Lost 80lbs ( no i haven't had the heart to change my weight thing from 82 to 80). So all in all i should be happy. 
Intellectually I am but emotionally i want those cheese puffs to soothe myself. (old habits...)
Just feeling sorry for myself!
Thanks for reading my bitc*ing and mosning

on 2/4/12 7:45 am
Revision on 07/07/15

I know it looks dismal but you are doing great....... only a two pound gain which tells me you are weighing yourself... I had a unfill and gained over 17 pounds from November to last week, what was worse for me than eating crap was not weighing myself (I had a groin pull and couldn't work out either).

Worse thing I could have done.....if I would have weighed myself I may have been able to stop and not let it get so far....I am a slow loser so it most likely will take 17 weeks or more to get it all off again.....

So no reason to feel sorry for yourself you are keeping a track of it and I know it will prevent you from getting out of control...... you don't want to be where I am now, first a 10 pound gain from my lowest (due to the groin pull) and 17 from the unfill.......27 pounds crazy...don't let it happen.....I was always obsessed with losing an additional 10 from my lowest, now I would give anything to just get back to my lowest............

Join our "what are you eating" and the new weight loss challenge starting on Monday......just try to see if you can maintain, or even lose...... I know the hunger sucks....but then again the restriction level that gave me no hunger also led to a unfill sooooo........

You can do it, you don't want to feel what I am now.....oh and I need to go buy larger sized clothing thought I would just go from a 12 to 14 no mam had to get a 16..humiliating......don't do what I did......

I have pulled up my once again big girl pants and have started weighing myself and getting back on track (although as you can see from today menu it wasn't the best). But I a accountable and will get back in my 12's ...........

Sorry to go on and on just don't want you to be where I am.............


on 2/4/12 12:02 pm - Oceanside, NY
 hey Michele,
Thanks for a dose of reality. I will keep a close eye. Sometimes i want to say it is too hard but today i went shopping and i left the cheese puffs and her friends potato chip and corn chip in the store. I also went out tonight and didnt eat a thing. I had wine which i decided before i went. One day at a tme. Are you talking about the St patty's day challenge?
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