It's been awhile

on 10/23/11 11:46 pm - Richmond, VA
In 3 days it will be my 3 year Bandiversary and not were I want to be but I have a smile on my face. I have been through alot. Had my back surgery a year ago and there was some problems and I am not able to work out. The Doctor says I need another back surgery but I'm not going to have it. He told me then I would be okay but I am in constant pain all the time. I can't sleep and I have been stuck between 243 and 250 pounds. My size 18 hasn't changed. I just started Pool Therapy so maybe that will give me a little excersise and help lose weight. I will get back on track and make this weight disappear like it use too!!!!!


Jean M.
on 10/24/11 3:45 am
Revision on 08/16/12
Why aren't you going to have the additional back surgery?

I've heard good things about aqua therapy - hope it at least helps to reduce your pain.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





on 10/25/11 6:28 am - Vancouver, WA
I know you don't want a back surgery but you might check into spinal stimulators. It's an out patient surgery and very quick healing. I had one put in a year ago and it has been a miracle. No pain whatsoever since then. I got mine thru a pain specialist, just something you may want to look at if it doesn't improve. Good luck, I know how awful back pain is!
on 10/25/11 9:22 am - NY
 I had 4 back surgeries and still take back meds. Go with that feeling and have no more surgery. Pain is always there or comes back. I have 23 rods and screws and the entire back is fused. I have nervedamage from last one and my leg sometimes is just there.  i go to pain management and get epiduals every 6 mos. Hard for me tio walk to far and stand too long. Had my band in to help take the weight off that came on during the past 6 years of over eating waiting for things to change. I feel much better now with the weight loss.I'm size 18 also. My lap band doc, always tells me pool therapy for excercise to loose weight.



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