Pain and lump? 4 weeks out

on 6/16/11 1:23 pm
So I am 4 weeks out.  I started having this discomfort yesterday on the right side, under the ribs, and there is a lump.  I talked with my sister, who is 1 year out.  She thought it was the port.  I was okay with that.  However... the lump is bigger then what I would think the port should be.  I am having no other issues.  Anyone else experience this?  It is above the "port incision" about  2 inches and over to the side about 2 inches. 

I appreciate any input.

Surgery scheduled for May 19, 2011.
My birthday is May 22, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

on 6/16/11 1:35 pm - TX
I expect it is the port since your port incision is on that side.

Have you been doing extra bending, reaching, stretching that would affect your abdomen?    If it's swollen or red or warm to the touch, there might be a problem, otherwise it's probably just over exertion. 

If it really concerns you, call your doctor's office in the morning. 
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

on 6/16/11 9:19 pm
A couple weeks after my surgery, I noticed a lump as well.  I was worried it was another hernia, but it was just the port.

Lisa is right.  If it's not red or swollen, I wouldn't worry about it.  Next time you see the DR, mention it to him just to be safe.
~ Barbara 
Mercedes R.
on 6/17/11 2:54 am - Carson City, NV
I had a huge lump for about a month or so after my surgery. It's normal..just swelling
on 6/17/11 6:49 pm
Thanks again!  I do a lot of bending and lifting.  Not only am I a nurse on a post surgical step down unit.... I have a 5, 4 and 1 year old.  It makes me feel better to know other people felt it too.  :)

Surgery scheduled for May 19, 2011.
My birthday is May 22, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

on 6/18/11 2:35 pm - NY
I have the lump as well. i was banded on monday. i went to the dr on fri. my dr says that it is a hematoma (like a bump on your head) and nothing to worry about. it is painful but ive just been resting and keeping a warm compress. i think that i over exherted myself on thurs
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