First Fill-Easy

on 4/5/11 4:08 am - MD
So, yesterday I had my first fill. I was so nervous, I thought it was going to hurt...the thought of a long needle going into my belly didn't made me cringe! BUT, it was so easy and nearly pain free! I don't know what I got all worked up for. For those of you who haven't had one yet, let me tell you...there is nothing to it! Now, going back to all liquids for 48 hours, is not fun! But, hopefully it will push me into the 250's!
Jenny S
on 4/5/11 4:39 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
I'm glad it went so well. I hate going to the liquids, too. It seems like torture and is even more aggrevating after an Unfill! Oh well, that is what is best for us so we just have to grin and bear it.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 4/5/11 5:27 am - Bristol, Canada

Thanks Jenny for the update.  I have my first fill on Friday and was a little nervous until I read your post.  I guess you're doing really well?  I'm hoping my first fill will push me down under 200, a milestone a long time coming!!  Best regards, Karol

Evelyn M.
on 4/5/11 5:46 am - United Kingdom
Thanks Jenny- like Karol, my first fill is coming up (April 20th) and I am already nervous, but I am a little more relaxed now :)

Roll on weight loss!
on 4/5/11 6:36 am
 I had my first fill today!!  It was no biggie at all.  I was excited to get it so I should now have some restriction - woo hoo!!!
~ Barbara 
on 4/5/11 6:51 am - MD
It was to can't even see where the needle went in anymore, all ready healed. You should fear the scale (LOL) more then the fill. All I had to do was lay down and do a half a crunch (which pushes up the port) and she put the needle in. I felt a small sting (a bee sting is 10 times worse) and she was in. I did feel weird while she was filling it, but it didn't hurt at all. Do not work yourself up over'll be disappointed (LOL)!
Jenny S
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/11 12:47 am - WA
This was nice to read, thank you for sharing.  I have my first fill on 4/18 and although I am not nervous now I suspect I might be a little bit when it gets closer.  My biggest dread is actually drinking the gross fluid, as my surgeon does all fills under fluoro.
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