Medicare/Medicaid Battle.. Am I stepping on toes here?

on 5/18/03 5:05 pm - GRIFFITH, IN
Let me tell you what I'm going through.. I'm not going to curse. I'm not going to cry.. I'm just going to be flat out honest with all of you and hopefully, I'll get some feedback, whether it's positive or negative, I don't know.. But I want the feedback. Personally, I feel like my human life is of very little value anymore, especially after talking with several facilities, bariatric centers, and even a few surgeons. I've come to find out when you're on Disability and you are on a very fixed income ($648 a month folks, I have a child too to support) , and you have Medicare as your primary, and I'm also in the state of Indiana, if that helps, and Medicaid is my secondary, that I'm turned down almost immediately by skilled bariatric surgeons and facilities. Believe me, I've done my work. I've called around, attended support group meetings, and have been researching facilities not only in Indiana, but also in Illinois, desperately hoping for a break! But it never fails. Always rejection. I'm always turned away. Not because it's not "medically necessary", but because my insurance is Medicare/Medicaid. It's almost like I have no insurance at all. I've been told time and time again insurance companies are failing to reimburse for such services. I feel like if I lost some of this weight, I could get off of disability, and go not only back to work, but back to school as well and be an asset to the community, and not have to rely on the government or society to take care of me.. I strongly feel like the weight is not only physically holding me back, but is mentally holding me back. I have a young daughter that depends on me.. I'm not even sure, by the way my weight has affected me, if I can depend on me. True scenario.. And I know I can't be the only one going through this. Now, I also want to add that the bariatric trained "rookies" are willing to pull me in for surgery, but I'm not sure if I should put my life on the line for a newcomer to the field just because he's willing to deal with the Medicare/Medicaid. After so much experience on their hands, they won't be accepting it either. This is an issue that affects the entire nation, whether you realize it or not. You never know when you're going to become disabled. I never would have thought that at 26 years old that I would have ended up like this. Miserable, poor, fat and limited. It's true that money talks.. It's true that it does matter how much you bring in financially or what insurance company you're going through. That's for certain! And I may not have adequate funds or great coverage, but I'm still human, and I believe I should have the same rights and options as those who are better off financially. I have a right to live healthy, and be happy. I should have that right. I wonder if it will take something drastic to get the message across. I feel like "I'm unhealthy, my health conditions are strongly obesity related, I've suffered depression for 11 years due to the weight, and the weight needs to come off. Surgery is highly recommended by my physicians. But then when it comes down to it.. It really doesn't matter at all.. Because they view me as of very little importance and I'm on the lowest priority list possible, because I'm nothing in their eyes... as long as I have Medicare/Medicaid." Disability is not my destiny. This can't be my final journey, because if it is, I have nothing to look forward to. And my life is not worth living.. And as morbid as this may sound, it comes straight from my heart. I'm left with very little options.. To live a poor life, miserably, or to not live it at all... I just wonder if it's me.. Is anyone out there in the same boat as me.. Let me know.. Because everyday that goes by, I'm sinking deeper and deeper. Kim
Christina H.
on 5/19/03 10:13 am - Mt. Pleasant, IA
Hi kim, I can totally relate to how you feel, my name is criss im originally from SE iowa, I had a hard time finding a surgeon too, finally did but it's 123 miles from home, I'm not sure if you have checked this out or not but I know in Illinoise there is a place called Belvedere, and I am sure they take Medicare also, try RUSH foundation and the WISH foundation, Medicare is a nation wide program so it will travel with you, keep doin what your doin, keep postin questions for info, someone will give you the answers you need, make sure to post on the regular board for info in Indiana and Illinoise. Good Luck on your Journeys and prayers to ya, remember, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, dont give up!!
on 5/22/03 6:57 am - Washington, DC
Hello, Kim I just started my journey with Medicaid and just by reading your story saddens me deeply, because I feel like I can relate. I have DC Medicaid and I haven't had a problem finding a surgoen, but I'm worried about approval. I am really scared but I have faith on my side. My PCP appointment is on June 2 I hope it goes well and get the referrals I need for the surgery. Please Stay STRONG. DC GIRL
on 5/25/03 5:43 pm - WILLIAMSBURG, KY
hi my name is angie and i'm from ky. I have medicare/medicaid and although none of the skilled bariatric doctors will take my medicaid they will all take medicare and some will take the assignment of medicare payments, which means that they take what medicare pays as payment in full. I haven't start with the process yet but i have been selecting a doctor. There are several facilities that are close to indiana in lousiville ky. and some of the doctors that perform surgery closer to my area lexington also perform in lousiville and sone doc i researched will take assisments of benefits and do tt if neccessary. he has good reports from this site. it is something to consider. hang in there and if God wants for this to happen for you it will...just ask him
Becky W.
on 6/5/03 4:57 pm - Modesto, CA
Kim, I feel for you but I do feel that if you stick with this you will get your surgery. Yesterday I spent two hours in the social security office and among many things discussed was MediCare. They said I could use it anywhere in the United States so I am thinking you might want to broaden your horizons, Maybe you have a friend or relative in another city where it might be easier for you to get this whole thing going and they can be of some support for you. I have not even applied yet as there was a mistake in my Medicare approval date, by two years, and altho it has been amended by a judge it will take months before that is in the computer. I have found tho that Medicare does cover it here in California....I have been in contact with several people who got approved and actually had a much easier time than most people. Hang in there and look outside of your own area. I will say a prayer for you and hope you will also put this in HIS hands. Take care, Becky
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