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Karil G.
on 9/3/09 5:07 am - IL
Topic: RE: Anything else we can try for pain?


I am new to this forum, and was going over some posts.  I work with a Rheumatologist, and a Neurologist.  The rheumatologist i also see as a patient, and in my opinion he is not that knowledgable with Fibro, the nurses i work with thinks the neurologist is more familiar.  I am going to try and see a pain specialist that seems to know about fibro from the website.  Bottom line,  it is all individual.  Like i said, Rheum's are suppose to be the authority on Fibro, but the one i work with is not at all.  Let me know what you find out.  I am sorry you are feeling so bad.  Get better :)

Karil G.
on 9/3/09 4:48 am - IL
Topic: Meds for Fibro


I am waiting my insurance approval for RNY surgery.  I hope to have surgery before the end of the year.  Yesterday at my last Nurse appt (weight/loss/diet supervised) the nurse told me i could no longer take Mobic for my fibro.  I have just recently been diagnosed (although no one has "officially" given me that "title" ) My PCP started me on Cymbalta and Mobic a few weeks ago.  I feel that the mobic is sort of helping? Has anyone else taken Mobic before or after surgery?  Also, has anyone read the book "What your doctor has NOT told you about Fibromyalgia"?  Or heard of taking Guaifenesin? (the main ingred in Mucinex)..Also, has anyone felt that their Fibro has gotten WORSE, since having WLS?  I am so worried, and feeling down about the fibro, hopeing that WLS will make me feel better, but not sure what to do?  Thanks for any input!  Karil

on 9/3/09 4:07 am - KS
Topic: RE: Why there is no Fibromyalgia Day
I like it!  Hope you don't mind, I posted it on PatientsLikeMe fibromyalgia community. 

on 9/3/09 1:43 am - Waukesha, WI
Topic: RE: A little fibro humor
Ouch!  Sorry to hear about the broken leg.  That's not good, but your husband is too funny!
on 9/2/09 10:28 pm - Bucksport, ME
Topic: RE: new fibro patient...
Kris, welcome to the board.
Hope you can get some pain releif.
Keep us posted.
on 9/2/09 10:24 pm, edited 9/2/09 10:24 pm - Bucksport, ME
Topic: RE: A little fibro humor
A broken leg; that doesn't sound too fun !!!
How did you do that ??
Gee, I wi**** was that easy "just stop eating those fiber bars".
gentle hugs your way.

on 9/2/09 2:37 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: A little fibro humor
I'm laid up with a broken leg so asked hubby to remember to get me some more fiber bars for breakfast. He said with a straight face "You realize that's why you have 'fiber'myalgia don't you?" Pa dump bump! Back to your regular programing.
on 9/2/09 2:33 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: new fibro patient...
I agree, there is no reason to suffer the pain while undergoing all the tests and actually the only reliable fibro test is to check for trigger points and that only takes a matter of a few minutes. Plus a pain clinic is going to be more apt to give you drugs to help with the pain. Good luck!
on 9/2/09 6:40 am - Waukesha, WI
Topic: RE: new fibro patient...
I'd try the pain clinic route.  I think managing the pain is all we can do.  I am allergic to most of them so I can't get relief, but you can.  Go for it.  There is no magic cure for fibro, just lots of wasted dr visits if you ask me.
on 9/2/09 3:16 am
Topic: new fibro patient...
Hi!  I am looking for a dr. to treat my  (some what) newly diagnosed fibro.  I live in Alabama. I am soooo tired of going to a dr. only to be blown off.  I have tried Lyrica and it does nothing for me. I am at the point that I want to go to a pain clinic to get some relief, but I don't really know what to do.  I went to a fibro "specialist" this week, but she wants to run all these tests and it is going to take months.  (she won't treat until all tests are back) I am in pain and I am discouraged that I will ever feel better again! :(  Help if you can. Thanks! 
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