hi fibro friends

loretta cowels
on 6/8/12 2:24 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I have an appt next week to see my doctor i want to change meds. all the stuff i take causes some weight gain but not sure what i should take. My doctors real bad about letting me have pain meds he only allowes me one a day and i need more or something else. Loretta
on 6/8/12 5:37 am - Vancouver, WA
Is it just for fibro or is it other pain too? I know I take cymbalta for my fibro pain and it does help some, but I also have a fentenyl patch for nerve pain in my feet and back. I like it better than the morphine I was taking because it doesn't make me so sleepy. Also I only change the patch every 3 days. You might ask him about that or find an actual pain specialist to deal with the pain issues, they are more likely to give you pain meds than a regular MD. Good luck I know how difficult it is to live daily with pain!
dorthe H.
on 6/13/12 10:21 pm - farmington, MN
i agree with prior post by hislady. you might get better understanding from a pain center.  if not - i'd look at changing doctors.  one med daily is fine if that's what works for you.  but if you've told your md it's not working and they won't change it up, i'd move on.
my fibro meds are cymbalta, buspirone, neurontin, ... i've got pain patches, a tens unit, acetaminophen, and ice packs for breakthrough pain.  so i go through all my options until something works
good luck with your search for a solution, loretta.  hang in there.
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