fibro flares, sick

loretta cowels
on 10/11/11 1:42 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
ok its been over two weeks now i feel like crap still. The anibotics are not helping at all and on top of it im having a flare dont feel like doing anything. im coughing all the time and my head feels like its going to exsplode. I called the doctor to call me a diffrent anibotic no luck no pha in the office and my doctor wont give me more till he sees me. and i cant get in to any one till monday. I think if this keeps up ill go to the ER and have them give me something. I am trying to get better before my trip to muskegon to see the doctor. i will be there all day from 200pm till 900 then the 1 1/2 drive back but glad i get to see the doctor the dietician and a seminar since this is a new surgeon. hes going to make all my appt n same day to save me from driving alot. Any way just needed to get this off my chest. between babysitting and alex im so tired just want to sleep but thats out. Plus ive been watching the grandson on weekend so my daughter can go to haunted houses. She keeps asking me to go but i just dont feel like doing anything and i cant let the x husband watch my grandson i dont trust him. Thanks for listening Loretta
DeeDee M.
on 10/13/11 1:41 am - WI
Sounds like you needed to unload and are a little stressed out. I feel your pain as I too have Fibro.  I practice self hypnosis and breathing techniques to get me through the pain when I have flares.  I also have MS, RA, OA and am a cancer survivor so I've had to learn ways to work through the pain.  It may not take the pain away but it certainly helps with relaxation and getting focused on something other than the pain.  Maybe if you go with your daughter if for nothing else to get some fresh air you might feel a little more uplifted.  Anyway, I feel for you as I know your pain.
Is this a new doctor that you're going to?  Sounds like he cares from what you said.  Keep your spirits up and know that you're moving forward with your plans.  My husband and I are doing the surgery together.  We started the process in April this year and are finally through all the pre-surgery requirments.  Now scheduled for the surgery November 8th.  Didn't feel like we'd ever reach this point but we did.
Keep your chin up and think positive.
Hugs, DeeDee
loretta cowels
on 10/13/11 2:07 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
Dee dee thank you some times you forget theres others out there that have been though so much to. I know about ms ive had three diffrent doctors tell me diffrent things two say ms then one says no. I know the feeling of having this on top of the other pain. Happy to hear your having your surgery soon. Are you scared i go back and forth as being scared and knowing i need this. I have two insurences so thats not my worry. My worry is alex and my hubby. I have alot of things left to do may have to do a 6 months diet not sure because my one insurence requires it and my other dont but am starting now just in case see doctor for it next week. I have to have an edoscope to see if they can untie my stomach first but this new surgeon does this him self witch makes more sence. Im going to try to get the info from my surgeon who tied my stomach because this may help the doctor. Its so hard ive been heavy all my life and i feel like ive tried everything im had enough of being unhealthy . please feel free to call me or email after your surgery if you just need some one to talk with .I dont really ever get to talk to many women my best friend of thirty years died a year and a half ago at age 40 of lung cancer and i can honestly say im lost with out her she was my strength thanks for listening loretta [email protected] same on face book 2695066040
DeeDee M.
on 10/13/11 12:14 pm - WI
Loretta, I'm nervous about the life change that I'm about to enter into, I'm not scared about having surgery.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and up to July of this year I've had 13 surgeries 8 of which were for the cancer the rest were due to my arthritis.  So, when I say the surgery itself doesn't scare that's why.  I was very thin and in every sport in high school so when the arthriti**** just after graduating it was tough.  There were days when I could hardly walk which put a halt to many of the activities that I liked to do.  Then my father passed away the night I got married so between his death and what ended up to be an unhappy marriage, I was dealing with depression.  Due to all, my new sport became eating.  It brought me great comfort  as well as extra pounds that I didn't need.  As time went on my physical activity dwindled due to pain and the pounds kept increasing.  I tried many diets and lost weight on some but always gained the weight back and then some so I gave up.  I'm now married to a wonderful man who means the world to me.  He too is overweight and understands all the stigma that goes with it.  Being able to do the surgery together is going to be very helpful for both of us.  I'm unable to work and can't get to any support groups so my husband is my support system as well as the rest of my family.  I will keep you posted as we go thru our surgery and let's stay in touch as I too don't have many friends to talk to. My email is [email protected]. I don't care for face book so I don't go there much.  Anyway, stay strong and stay in touch.  DeeDee
loretta cowels
on 10/13/11 9:16 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
wow you give me strength jusy hearing your story i thought ive had every surgery they could do. if it could be removed it has been. but im no were near 13. i know what to exspect because i was on same kind of diet after my nission fundumlication and hital hernia surgery. But i was scared with all my surgerys im not scared for me im scared for my baby alex hes only two and needs me but if i dont do this will i be around when hes older i worry alot but i am going to be strong and with gods help get though this i beleave only god knows when your time is up and i try to turn this over to him. im 38 weigh 300lbs im only 5 2 i dont even tell my husband how much i weigh. im soar all the time and allways sick im hoping i will get better so i can do things with alex. Plus i have three grown kids a grandson and one on the way. I will email you its so nice that you have a loving husband that can understand what its like. My mother inlaw is going to the apptments with me because tim will be home with alex hugs to you just call if you need some one loretta
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