Leg cramps and pain

on 10/11/08 4:11 pm - MN
I am new to this Message board. I am looking into WLS and also have Fibro. Lately my legs have been really hurting. It is mostly behind my knees and down. I have been getting charlie horses--or at least it feels like it--but the cramps don't release for a long time. I have been sleeping on the couch for awhile because it helps to have my legs up on pillows. Any suggestions?  They really hurt after a day at work. I am on requip and ambein. I have also been taking calcium--magnesium--zinc--supplement. I am also using a Cpap machine.
on 10/12/08 6:36 am - Vancouver, WA
Please get this checked soon as it sounds alot like peripheral artery disease or PAD which is a blocked artery and can be very serious. It could also be signs of a blood clot. These are very serious symptoms and need immediate attention!
on 10/13/08 10:32 am - MN
I went to the Dr. today. He thinks it is diabetic neuropathy--nerve pain. I am not sure if I agree. He put me on some meds for it. I am also running a temp. I am normally 97.0  It was 99.3 at the doctors office.  I asked him about it--he said it is probably from the fibro. I have never run a temp from fibro before. The Dr--actually P.A. is not my usual DR.  
on 10/14/08 4:41 pm - Vancouver, WA
Please see your regular doc about this because non of what the PA said makes any sense. It doesn't sound like neuropathy to me. My mom is diabetic and has it in several parts of her body but it doesn't cause her pain. I would definately get a second better opinion because that is just not normal and could be very serious, don't let them brush you off. At the very least they should do some tests to check for clots or PAD, I think a simple CAT scan or ultra sound would tell them more about what is going on. Good luck!
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