need help with medication

on 9/9/08 2:54 am, edited 9/9/08 4:56 am - Hot Springs, AR
I have fibromyalgia and take hydrocodone 5...sometimes 6 times a day.  I take the strongest dose 10/325 but I am still in pain.  I am going to the doctor on Thursday and would like to share with her what other fibromyalgia patients are taking.  I have been told they won't give me anything different because of addiction....please let me know what you are taking.
Thank you!

on 9/9/08 5:57 am - Vancouver, WA

I take 5 mg of oxycodone 4 times a day for my pain. Of course there is always a possibility of addiction but that can be dealt with by tapering down the dosage until you are drug free. Technically  I am addicted because I would have withdrawls if I quit cold turkey, but to function I have to have drugs that strong. Sometimes it helps to switch meds as your body can build up a tolerance. My doc also expects me to do my part by exercising and taking good care of myself in general. From what I've read about pain control, addiction is rarely a problem when taken for serious pain and is not abused by those *****ally need it. I wish you well getting help with your pain. You may want to see a rheumatologist as they deal with this disease or even a pain management clinic if you can. Don't give up, there are docs out there who will treat you


on 9/9/08 6:41 am - Hot Springs, AR
Thank you for the information!  The doctor I am going to on Thursday is my rheumatologist.  I am wondering if maybe I should go to a pain clinic.  I had called one of the rheumatologist at the clinic during the weekend because I had run out of meds and he acted like I was taking way too much.  His attitude made me feel really defensive .  I've had fibro for about 8 years and sometimes I think I really do know about as much as the doctor!!  :-)

on 9/9/08 12:59 pm - Vancouver, WA
Only someone who has lived with fibro can possibly understand the pain. Also keep in mind that a doc at a clinic that gets a weekend call for pain meds is going to be suspicious because that's exactly what addicts do to "play" the system. All you can do is be very trustworthy and work with your doc, maybe agreeing to sign a usage contract will help. I've known some docs that require that to get pain meds. Fortunately my PCP knows me well enough to know that I won't in anyway abuse my meds. He gives me a Rx for one months worth and that HAS to last all month because he will not give me any extra. He also has me come in person periodically to reassess my pain med needs. So you really have to develope an on going relationship with your doc. Good luck.
AphY Girl
on 9/10/08 2:53 am
I have the fentynal pain patch (25mcg) every 3 days with a muscle relaxer as well.  The patch helps for everyday pain however, when I have flare ups I am left with nothing.  The doctor has been discussing giving me lortab or percocet for the flare ups.  I am waiting on his response as I type.  I also take lyria and is does nothing... but I take it anyway.

Good luck - find a good doctor who knows about fibro or a pain center.  Most RA doctors do not like to give pain meds as they say it only covers up the pain.  I whole heartedly disagree.  Pain medication is the only thing that helps. 
on 9/15/08 10:39 pm
I just wanted to let you know when I looked up the fentynal cause it sounded like something I could ask my doc about trying I found this. I do not know if you already knew about it but just in case you didn't. I hope yours is ok God knows us FM patients need nothing else to cause us pain.........

Feb. 13, 2008 -- Certain prescription skin patches containing the painkiller fentanyl are being recalled because of possible overdose risk.

The voluntary recall applies to the following products with an expiration date on or before December 2009:

  • Duragesic pain patch sold by PriCara in the U.S. in the 25 mcg/hr (micrograms per hour) strength
  • Generic fentanyl patches sold in the U.S. by Sandoz in the 25 mcg/hr strength
  • 25 mcg/hr fentanyl patches made by Alza Corp. and sold in Canada.

Duragesic and fentanyl patches in other strengths aren't being recalled.

All of the recalled patches were made by Alza Corp., an affiliate of PriCara, which is a division of Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals. PriCara announced the recalls in a news release.

Recall Is a 'Precaution'

In its news release, PriCara explains that the recall is a precaution because some of the recalled patches may have a cut along one side of the patch's drug reservoir.

That cut could expose patients or caregivers directly to the drug. Such exposure may lead to serious adverse events, including respiratory depression [problems with breathing] and overdose, which may be fatal, states PriCara.

Fentanyl Pain Patch Recall: What to Do

Here's what PriCara says to do if you've got the recalled patches:

  • If you have a recalled Duragesic patch, call PriCara at (800) 547-6446.
  • If you have a recalled Sandoz patch, call (800) 901-7236.
  • If you have patches with cut edges, flush them down the toilet. Do not handle the patches directly.
  • If you come in contact with fentanyl gel, use large amounts of water -- without soap -- to thoroughly rinse the area.
View Article Sources Sources


News release, PriCara.

Associated Press.

AphY Girl
on 9/18/08 3:36 am
Mine are fine - and that recall was from Feb.  The pharmacies no longer even have those in stock.  A lot of medication is recalled... a lot of products for that matter. 

I wouldn't be able to function without my patch... I think GOD for it daily.
on 9/10/08 3:33 am - Hot Springs, AR
Thanks....I go in tomorrow so hopefully I can get some relief!  I guess I should have thought about how it would look to call on the weekend....but I was out and hurting!  I make what they give me last a month...but sometimes I am still in pretty bad pain.  I  appreciate you both sharing what you do.  Does the patch get gradually weaker??  Good luck to you too! 

AphY Girl
on 9/11/08 12:43 am

No, the patch slowly gives you medication 25 mg every hour of fentynal (mine is 25 they have other higher doses).  Fentynal is much stronger they hydrocodone and ocycodone so it works very well.  My issue is flare ups... and the pain clinic is just not 'getting' it. 

The nurse just called and said she could give me motrin 800... dumbass, did you read my records?!?!!?  I can't take motrin - I take a BC Powder from time to time and I get the worst stomach pain.  OI VE!

on 9/20/08 12:16 pm - CA

Has the Doc checked your Vitamin D levels??  I  found out mine was super low, and that it is is something that many Fibro Sufferers have in commom.   Being low in D can cause pain and fatigue!   I have been taking sublingual Vitamin D emulsion at 3X the recommended dose and sitting in the sun 15-20 mins 3 times a week.  I have noticed some improvement.  I also take Wobenzym-M a digestive enzyme, it is supposed to help reduce inflamation.  Seems to be helping me.  I currently am not on any pain meds, (I was also vitamin B2 difficient.  I also do Acupuncture, but now only need an occasional NSAID for my pain.   i am not taking any pain meds right now, with the change in my diet and weight loss my symptoms are very reduced ****il I over do it or exercise to hard) the pain is at a level I can ignore.  down from a 8 to probably a 2.  I have a friend that gets some lidocane patches that help with her pain.

I do take a tons of supplements tho.

Multiple Vitamin, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Digestive enzymes, Biotin, Omega3 fish oil, B-2, Glucosamin Sulfate, Red Rice Yeast.    & 2 Sublinglal B6/B12 each week.  

Good luck findins something that works for your pain 


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