Does it sound like Fibro?? (kinda long -- sorry)

on 3/9/08 10:10 am - In The Country , NY
Hi Everyone -- I have had long bouts of widespread pain many, many times in the last 15 years.  Feels like I have the flu, but I don't.  It can last weeks or months.   It has now been at least three months now of pain.  My pain this time is mostly in my arms, elbows, one shoulder.  It sounds strange to me, but it seems to hurt more when I am not actively doing something -- like when I am relaxing, watching t.v. or reading.  Forget about sleeping.  Hurts a lot in bed.  It it mostly aching but also sometimes numb/tingling in my hands.   Other times I have had the pain center around my neck, shoulders.  Have had it in my knees, ankles, small bones in the feet.  Whereever it is centered, my collarbones ALWAYS are involved.  And I usually get a red almost rash on my neck.  And the slightest bit of pressure can cause such pain.  When I was having symptoms in my hands/fingers, just the motion of putting my thumbs in the band of my underwear to pull them down so I could go to the bathroom was excruciating.   I have had various blood tests come back showing inflammation, but no one has said yes, it's fibro.  When I get it, they tell me to take high doses of Ibuprofen.  I am having my RNY in about 2 weeks and I know I cannot have Ibu then.  Just wondering if these were symptoms any of you had and then were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.   Thanks for sharing your insight. Maria      
on 3/10/08 12:28 am - DFW, TX
Maria,  I'm sorry to say but yes this does sound exactly like what I am going through with Fibromyalgia.  My rheumatologist has told me it is OK to use Ibuprofen.  I know he is aware of my lapband although I don't know how familiar he is with it.  However, for the last 8 months I have been taking anywhere from 6 - 8 per day and so far I have had no problems.   I just got on Lyrica recently and have found it helps with the pain.  I was using Tramadol as well and it really did not give me enough relief.  But it may work for you.  I am so happy that I had the surgery for my band and would not change a thing.  I am almost at goal weight.  The Lyrica makes me a bit hungry, but my band won't allow me to overeat too much! Best of luck to you and keep in touch! 

on 3/12/08 1:24 am - Ft. Drum, NY
Hi Lisa,  Yeah sounds like you might have sime Fibro going on.  Have you been to a Rheumatologist?   I would also check for rhumatoid Arthritis, and maybe lupus. Good luck, I hope you get some answers and some relief!

on 3/27/08 8:20 am - McDonough, GA
I have both Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis....the pain in the small bones of your feet the hurting hands collar bone.....they all sound more like RA.  The achy flu like symptoms, the pain when you are touched or have pressure....that sounds like fibro. Tramadol didn't work for me either.  I cannot take Advil or Nsaids because of my kidneys.  The only thing I am given is Flexiril and Lortab.  When my RA acts up, I am given steroids.   I'm not sure what will happen after surgery because I am having RYN.  I hope there is some sort of liquid pain med I can take.    Try to get as much sleep as possible.  I know that is hard because of the pain.  The problem is, lack of sleep makes it worse.  I take sleep aid every night.  I still wake up all night with major pressure pain, but without it, I wouldn't sleep at all. You definitely need to be checked for the RA factor.  Make an appointment with a Rheumatologist.  Good luck.
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