stopped Lyrica-lost 7 pounds in two days

Trauma Queen
on 2/28/08 9:18 am - Jacksonville, FL
Two days ago I stopped Lyrica for FM pain and I've lost 7 pounds. I peed a ton yesterday and I am assuming it's water weight because of the peeing. I haven't lowered my cals or carbs either. The weight gain was number one factor in stopping this med and the fact that it quit working..I was only on 75mg x3 a day but it was enough for me. I was swollen and I felt like I was always in a daze. I don't know what I'll do about the pain now.  I suppose suffer like I have continued to do so. Just passing on my experiience. TQ
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on 3/3/08 8:25 pm - Altavista, VA
Hope they will find something to help with your pain. I still suffer with 3-4 Vicodin 10mg a day and Fentanyl patch. I have had back surgery and the surgeon wants pain meds backed off to see my back surgery progress but the fibro is kicking in bad. Weight gain was the reason I was not put on Lyrica to avoid extra stress on my physical and mental health. Would love to see something non narcotic to help with the pain but will wait like the rest of us. Hugs, Shannon
The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. Thomas Carlyle
on 3/9/08 7:07 am - DFW, TX
I am so sorry for your pain.  I know how you feel.  I was living on lots of ibuprofen and Tramadol and getting minimal relief.  I have spent so much time soaking in hot bath water, I am waterlogged, but it was really helpful in getting momentary relief. I hope they find something that will help you.  I would be thrilled for the weight loss.  I am almost at goal, under 10 pounds to go, but I think I need to exercise it off.  Now if I could only walk across the room without pain I might consider exercise!

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