
on 6/26/11 1:20 pm, edited 6/26/11 1:23 pm - Chicago, IL

  Is any1 here a chronic c-diff sufferer like me? I've been hospitalized about 6 times in the last 2yrs. Twice this month alone. Tomorrow I start on a step down regimen of vancomycin because flagyl doesn't seem to help. I will need to take 1 capsule 4x a day for 2 weeks, then 3x a day for 2 weeks, then 2x a day for 2 weeks, then 1x a day for 2 weeks. Hopefully this will  at least put it in remission for a few years.
  There are a couple of "cures". One consists of removing the part of the colon that is infected. OK, that's something I may look into. The other I personally will not even entertain the thought.




on 6/26/11 2:39 pm
I do not have C Diff. But, I think if it were surgery vs swallowing some encapsulated donor fecal matter ( reportedly highly successful treatment ), I'd opt for the latter.

J G.
on 6/26/11 3:17 pm
It's no big deal, I would not only entertain the thought, I would do it in a flash.
(deactivated member)
on 6/26/11 3:35 pm - San Jose, CA
Before you cut anything out of you, in particular your colon, which is a handy organ to keep, I would first consider the poop transplant, as it has had good results.  Just close you eyes and swallow the capsule, and try to think of it as a powerful probiotic.

But you got me to look for the 300th time to see if the Merck Phase III trial of the monoclonal antibodies developed by my former company had been set up yet, and YAY!  I found it!  It has just been posted, and they haven't started recruiting yet.  Here is the link: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01241552.  Give them a call, and see when they start enrolling patients, and where.

I don't know why this took so long.  My former company sold it to Merck in 2009.

Someone I know with a DS got C. diff and participated in the Phase II trials, and was cured.  Please try to get hooked up with a trial of these medications if you can (there are two antibodies, one to toxin A and one to toxin B, and the test involves both).

Good luck!
on 6/27/11 1:11 am - bay area, CA
I'm the person Diana knows who participated in the Phase 2 trials of the monoclonal antibodies and was cured of C diff. This was after failing multiple tries with both flagyl and vanco, as well as 2 other drugs used off-label that did nothing.
     See if you can get into the trial. If not, see if you can get your psyche around the yuck factor of the fecal transplant, as it really does work, even for people who have failed everything else many times over. And keep in mind that it isn't plain old poop, it's been purified, and put into a capsule, etc. It can also be given rectally, if that's less yucky sounding for you.
      People have lots worse things done that swallowing a poop capsule when their lives depend on it. Start entertaining the thought. It sure beats having major surgery and losing part of your colon.

on 6/27/11 1:20 pm, edited 6/27/11 1:38 pm - Chicago, IL
Lara, will you please PM me? I'd really like to talk to you to find out more about this.




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