Dont give up!

on 5/15/15 8:39 am

When I started this journey, never in my wildest dreams would I imagine the highs and lows I would hit. When I started this "new lifestyle" I had a BMI of 57.6%. I am sure it was more than that but I refused to go to my doctor, in fear of the "talk" she would be giving me. I went on a 3 week crash diet before my appointment. Sad, I know. When I stepped on the scale I knew that I would be less than I was 3 weeks before. Even at that I weighed in at 298.....298, how the heck did that happen?? I was always short and heavy, but 298? So, my journey began........Fast forward 18 months and now my life is not ruled by the food on my plate, in my cabinets, or hidden away in my secret "stache" areas. My life consists of healthy boundaries with food. It is no longer my "deflector" for my pain. I was on 13 different RXs, now I only take vitamins and supplements. I was in so much physical pain that I literally couldnt walk on the treadmill more than 5 minutes at a time. Now, I regularly run 5Ks and have the energy to exercise daily (and enjoy it!). There were times my head tried to stop me.....but I didnt let it win. In all of this I have learned that the real battle is with my head, not my plate. I wish you all success and just remember to not give up!! 


on 5/15/15 5:44 pm

Thanks for posting this.  I needed it today.

Laura in Texas
on 5/16/15 5:57 am

Awesome!! So happy for you and your new lifestyle!!

Print this out so you always remember this. So many of my friends who had surgery the same time as me have had huge regains. Do not let that happen to you!! Stay diligent!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 6/14/15 4:48 am
VSG on 10/31/13

Wow great work! I'm still in the middle of my journey but I hope to be as successful. I don't think I'll ever run a 5k, one because I don't enjoy running (though maybe if I were thinner I would, I never tried thin running), and two I am kind of afraid of the effect it would have on my knees. I am looking forward to start riding a bike again for the first time in longer than I can remember, I think I have gotten down to a weight where I can actually be comfortable and ride.


I too took a ton of pills every day, 12 daily, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, neither of which I need to take any longer! Getting a VSG was the best health decision I have ever made and I have no regrets. I'm still trying to get into a routine of exercise, that is the most difficult challenge for me so far. I am up to walking 3 miles a day at a decent pace for me (most recent walk I did 3.5 miles in an hour and 30 mins), but I am struggling with staying committed and motivated. I'd like to get into a routine of walking every day, and maybe increasing the speed or the distance every week. Probably distance because it gets really uncomfortable if I try to go too fast, though maybe that is normal for good exercise, I wouldn't know what good exercise was if it slapped me in the face. Did you walk/jog/run until you were miserable working your way up to 5k?



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