Pre-Surgery appt with Surgeon

on 10/30/13 1:49 pm - TX
Well, I had my pre-op appt with my surgeon today and it went great. She answered all my questions thoroughly and my hubby's questions as well. I got all my vitamins & supplements and surgery is 1 week from tomorrow - Nov. 7th.

I am excited and nervous. I don't want to screw this up, I don't want any complications & I don't want to puke, like ever . I never have been one to puke unless I am deathly ill and am in the hospital. I wish the surgery was tomorrow so I don't have the time to think anymore

I am so glad to have this great group of friends to share with!!!


HW = 370

SW = 322

GW = 180

Lap RNY by Dr. Dana Reiss

on 10/30/13 3:47 pm - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

im  shore you will do fine try to relax and follow your surgeons instructions

 which surgery are you having I had the vsg and am doing great , had a little pain when I woke up but I hit the pain button and that took care of it , I was up walking in around 1 hour , the faster the better ,

the next morning I had the dreaded leak test(the stuff taste like crap)and was taken off all iv's even pain meds and put on liquid pain meds and pills I was able to drink that day and lived on jello and ice pops , and some broth

 I went home the next day on full liquids , the day after that I was taking Tylenol as needed  and off all pain meds the day after that

I did not vomit once my incisions healed fast

I had to take blood thinners for 1 month due to a clotting disorder (they hurt) but all is going great I lost over 40 lb in around 3 months and hope to loose a little faster after a few adjustments of what im eating


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 10/30/13 8:25 pm - TX
Thanks for your story and encouragement. I am having RNY and hopefully I will have the same success as you
Laura in Texas
on 10/31/13 12:45 am

I am 5 years out from RNY and have not puked at all in the past 5 years. I am also pretty disciplined with my eating, which helps. Most of the time someone pukes it's because they ate something they should not have, did not chew thoroughly, or ate wayyyyyyyyy too much. All of this is totally in your control.

Good luck!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 10/31/13 1:06 am - TX
Thanks Laura. Looking forward to being healthier!!
on 10/31/13 12:52 am - FL
VSG on 01/09/13

Congrats on your upcoming surgery!  It's so exciting that time right before surgery when you getting everything together.  I also have only vomited a handful of times and that was because, like Laura said, I ate too much.  I have learned my lesson and now stop before I hit that uncomfortable feeling.

It's great to have you on the forum.  Please let us know how everything goes. 

KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)

on 10/31/13 1:08 am - TX
Thanks KittyKarin!! I will make sure and keep posting
on 10/31/13 6:12 am - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

Yay for you!  11/7 will be my one-month point.  :D  The pain medicine button is your friend!  I was home the next day and stopped taking my pain meds a few days later.  Regarding the not wanting to vomit:  one thing I've learned is there is no value in trying to tough it out.  I hate vomiting and one dinner I had too much (a liquid on top of a solid) and I suffered through terrible pain for several hours before I finally gave up and vomited.  I immediately felt better and I've learned my lesson:  JUST DO IT.  But at the same time, don't put yourself in the situation where you have to JUST DO IT.  :D

Lots of luck to you!


on 10/31/13 10:04 am - TX
Hi Jen, thanks for you input!! I plan to make best friends with the pain button I pray that I won't ever be in the position to have to make the choice - vomit or tough it out . But I agree JUST DO IT is probably to better option - blah
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